Page 63 of Fumbled Past

“What was I supposed to say?Uh, you know that horrible thing I did a month ago? Well, it all came crashing back on me in those few minutes I was gone.Oh, and in front of Blake and Wyatt too?”

“But you could have told me later!”

“I just wanted to pretend the entire thing didn’t happen.”

“Then, what did happen?”

I pause, not sure if I want to go there. “Heather, I don’t want it getting back to Megan. She’s already upset enough.”

“I promise I won’t tell her. Besides, someone else already told her they saw you two together, so it’s not like it’s a secret.”

I let out a breath as I think. “I came out of the restroom, and he was there, waiting for me.”

“Okay … go on.”

“He asked who the guys were.”

“So, he was watching us?”

“Yeah, sounds like it. When I left to go to the restroom, he knew exactly where I was, so he must have been.”

“Stalker much?” She laughs.

I shake my head, dropping it into my hand, as I pull my knees up to my chest, holding the phone to my ear. “He said he still thinks of me.”

“He didn’t!”

I cover my eyes, trying to rid the memory from my mind. “Oh, but he did.”

“What did you do?”

“I pushed him away. Told him no and that he’s with Megan and walked away.”

“Good for you!”

“Yeah, but now, Megan hates me even more.”

She huffs into the phone. “Yeah, she does.”

“But this one isn’t my fault. I did the right thing,” I plead.

“You did. I see that. She never will though. I’m sorry you all are stuck in this mess.”

“Dating sucks.” I pound my fist onto my bed beside me.

“That it does. But then you meet a guy like Wyatt …” she singsongs, trying to lift my mood. “You’re going out with him again, right?”

“Yeah,” I say with zero enthusiasm. “Tonight.”

“Hey, don’t let this Beau thing sink you back in. You did the right thing, and if it’s important to you to ever get Megan’s friendship back, you need to keep doing the right thing and stay away from that boy!”

I rub my lips together as I think about what she just said.

She’s right. I’ve been trying to push thoughts of him out of my mind since that night, and now that I know they’re broken up, it will be even harder, but he’s absolutely off-limits. If I were to get together with him, it would only cause more drama.

I’m finally moving on, and I need to keep it that way.

“I know. Don’t worry. I’m just sad for Megan, is all. She must have really liked him if she’s this upset.”