Page 6 of Fumbled Past

We all were on the phone last night, going over our schedules, but I already forgot where she’s going first.

“English. Ugh! It’s way too early to read,” she complains.

“It’s better than Math.” I raise my eyebrows at her.

“Nah, Math is easy, and I know you’re good at it, so don’t give me that. Besides, you can always just use your fingers if you get lost.” She mimics counting like we’re five again.

“Did you see the new guy? He’s kind of cute.” Megan motions to where Beau is standing with a couple of other football players, all wearing their jerseys.

“That’s Beau. He’s from California.”

He’s come over every Thursday night since summer practice started. I know Dad has been happy he joined the team, saying he’s a great addition, but besides that, I haven’t seen him around anywhere else.

“Oh, a surfer boy,” she says, all dreamy-like. “Of course you already know him.” She rolls her eyes at me. “Why you didn’t mention him is suspect, but since I know you’re off-limits to him anyway, you don’t mind if I call dibs, right?”

Just then, Heather walks up. “Who are you calling dibs on without me even having a shot at it first?”

“The cutie over there. Number fourteen.”

Heather purses her lips as she eyes the new boy in town. “Um, nope. No way am I letting you call dibs. He’s fair game.”

Megan sighs in defeat. “Fine, but if one of us has a class with him, then they get first shot.”

“Deal,” Heather responds as she holds up her pinkie finger, and they latch on to each other before pulling apart and yelling, “Ow!” in a squeal and slapping their asses as they lift them to the side, the way they always do.

“Do I even want to know?” Aaron asks as he approaches our little group.

I wouldn’t dare call him one of the girls because, one, he’d kill me, and, two, he’s most definitely all boy in every aspect of the word with his tight jawline and light-blue eyes. Most girls drool over him, but since we’ve been so close for so many years, I don’t really see him like that.

I shake my head. “Nope. You know better than that by now.”

He raises his eyebrows dramatically. “That I do. Come on. Let’s head to Science together.”

He motions to place his arm around me, but I stop him short and shimmy out of his reach.

“Science is my second-period class. We got the same teacher, just different times, remember?”

He drops his head back. “Right …” He looks at us all, then shrugs and heads out to class. “Check you later.”

“Check you later. Check you later,” Megan and Heather both say, mimicking Dawson in the movieDazed and Confusedafter Slater says it to a girl. Though the movie was released in 1993, it’s still something we watch all the time and will absolutely be a cult classic for my high school times.

Aaron laughs as he shakes his head at those two and keeps walking away.

“Okay, I’m off to class. Go learn something!” I state firmly, glaring at both of them, obviously messing around.

Heather drops her shoulders forward and slowly starts to walk away, saying in a sulky tone, “Fine, Mom. I’ll go learn something.”

I push her, and she winks at me before she and Megan leave in the opposite direction. As I head down the hall, I glance one more time at my printed schedule to make sure I have the room number right.

Just as I’m about to enter, Beau nudges me from the side. “Cool. You’re in this class too?”

Our eyes meet, and I’m instantly sucked in by the dark green staring back at me. I give him a grin, hoping he didn’t notice me getting lost in them.

“Hey, you. Yep. Any difference so far at school here than in California?”

“Besides everyone wondering if I surf?” He lowers his eyes to me. “For the record, no. Just because I lived in California does not mean I actually lived anywhere near a beach.” He raises his hands out wide to make that fact clear. “Seems like the same thing, just different pavement. It is weird though going to school all in doors. All of our schools back home have outside hallways.”

“Wait, seriously? Like they have on90120?”