Page 59 of Fumbled Past

“Yes, Dad. Don’t act so shocked.”

He stands to give me a hug. I accept it, loving how safe I feel, wrapped in his arms.

“I just worry about you, is all.” He kisses the top of my head.

“I know. I’ll be fine.”

I pull away from him, and he looks at me for a second.

“I know you will. Have fun tonight. Be safe and don’t stay out past midnight.”

“I won’t. Love you, Daddy.”

“Love you too, sweetie.”

I head out front, trying my hardest not to look toward Aaron’s house. When I fail and sneak a peek, my heart sinks when I see his car parked in the driveway. Knowing he’s there, only a few feet away from me, brings the same feeling I get every time I think about him.

I know I care about him, and I’ve never stopped. I just can’t figure out how it’s possible that I feel the same way about two different guys …

Aaron deserves someone who is fully dedicated to him though, so I understand why he wants nothing to do with me.

Hopping in my car, I drive to Heather’s with the music blasting to drown out my thoughts.

When I get there, I honk the horn instead of going up to the door because I’m not really in the mood to talk to her mom right now.

Thankfully, Heather comes out pretty quick and walks to the car with her eyebrows raised in question.

“Are we in a mood all of a sudden?” she asks without saying hello.

I force a smile that’s more than obvious, and she lets out a deep breath, but I speak before she can. “Don’t worry; I’ll get over it. Just didn’t want to get out of the car right then. I’ll be fine by the time we get to where we’re going.”

She reaches for her seat belt and buckles it in. “You’d better be. Blake is bringing a friend for you, so don’t mess this up. Besides, I think it would be good for you to get your mind off of everyone else, you know?”

I nod as I pull away from the curb. “I know.”

We drive to a local burger place that’s like a ’50s drive-in, where you can order from your car and the employees bring your food out to where you’re parked. Now that a lot of us can drive, it’s turned into a hangout for those my age when there’s nothing better to do. Since Heather barely knows these guys, she figured it was the best place to meet them.

“There they are.” She points to a truck parked in the back corner with two guys hanging out outside.

I make my way there and park a few spots over from them so we aren’t too close.

“How do I look?” Heather asks.

“Absolutely beautiful,” I respond, and I’m not kidding.

She has a natural beauty about her with her auburn hair that shines and brings out her green eyes.

She opens her door with elation flowing through her body, and I try my hardest to steal some of it from her as I exit the car and walk toward the guys.

Walking up, I get to see them more and am happily surprised when the guy who was supposedly brought for me is actually really cute in his Wrangler jeans and a cowboy hat. Everything about him is different than Aaron or Beau, and seeing that lifts my spirits slightly.

“There she is,” the guy that I’m thinking Heather met earlier says as we approach.

“I’m here,” Heather says so cheerfully that it makes me smile.

This is how we all used to be together—Heather, Megan, and me.

“This is my friend, Sadie.” She motions to me.