Page 53 of Fumbled Past

The crowd cheers.

“As you know, I’m Principal Healer, and tonight, we’re honoring someone very special to this school.” She turns to me. “Here with me is Coach Zeeman’s daughter, Sadie, as well as her family, who traveled here to be with us tonight. We want to remember the man who built this stadium, who built this football program, and who honestly created Friday night lights in this town. Any part of the game that you love to come watch—be it the band, the drill team, and of course, the football team—Coach Z had his hand in creating it all. It is in his honor that we continue the traditions that he started.”

She glances in my direction, then continues, “This year will mark the twentieth year since we lost Coach Z, and we wanted his family to know that, no matter how many years have passed, he will always be a part of this school.”

Just then, thousands of white balloons are released into the air all around us.

“Look, Mommy. Look!” Aubree points in the air as they all float away.

I lean down to pick her up, giving her a hug and trying my hardest to stop the tears that fall freely.

This school might miss my dad, but no one will ever miss him as much as I do.


Summer Before Junior Year

I’m lying in my bed when my dad knocks on my door.

“Come in,” I say as I reposition my pillow so I can lie on my side.

“You awake?” he asks.

“Not really, but what’s up?” I ask with a yawn.

He heads in my direction and sits on my bed. “Not much. Is there anything you want to talk about?”

I close my eyes and let out a breath. It’s been a week since the last day of school, which really means it’s been a week since I spoke to either Aaron or Megan. Heather has called a few times, but I told her I wasn’t in the mood to talk to anyone.

I still can’t believe I broke Megan and Beau apart while they were kissing.

I’ve thought about it until I was sick in the stomach, and I still can’t figure out why I felt that way. The only thing I have admitted to myself is, I truly did feel the way I acted. I have no idea why, but when I saw them together, I felt a sense of anger that I’d never felt before.

I’ve tried to talk to Aaron, but he said he needs more time, and I can’t blame him.

My dad places his hand on my leg, and I open my eyes to see the man I’ve grown to look up to as so much more than just my dad or a coach. The older I’ve gotten, the more I see him as a caring human being. And not just toward me as his daughter. I’ve seen more closely the compassion he has for his team. I watch the way he’s helped kids who are going through family things, and he even tutors some of his players who are struggling.

He truly is a hero in every aspect of the word, and I’m lucky enough to call him my father.

I decide I owe him enough to talk about what’s going on and sit up in my bed, repositioning my pillow so I’m more comfortable against my headboard.

We sit in silence as he gives me time to gather my thoughts.

“I don’t really know where to start,” I finally say, being completely honest.

He moves so he’s more comfortable now that I’ve created more space on my bed. Seeing him sitting here, this large man who’s almost an urban legend in this community, in my room that’s as girlie as they come, makes me appreciate him even more. He might be an idol to many, but in our home, he’s merely my dad.

“Did you and Aaron have a fight?” he asks.

I bite my lip in thought as I play with my blanket. “We didn’t have a fight in the normal sense, but he’s definitely mad at me.” I look up at him. “I screwed up, Daddy, and I’m not sure why I did it.”

He raises his eyebrows. “What exactly did you do?”

“We were all out, and I completely freaked out when I saw Megan with Beau.”

He nods slowly. “Seeing them together bothered you?”

I drop my shoulders and nod.