Page 49 of Fumbled Past

He kisses on my neck. “Okay, fine. I’ll give him Friday nights, but only until the season is over.”

I wrap my arms around his that are still holding me tight. “Deal.”


End of Sophomore Year

“We’re finally out of here!” Heather cheers with her arms in the air as we walk off campus for the last time this year.

Next year, we’ll be juniors—the most important year when it comes to trying to get into college. I have my eyes on the University of Tennessee, but with every mention of Aaron wanting to go to Texas, that option is looking pretty nice as well.

We still have time to figure everything out, so for now, I plan on enjoying every second of having this summer off from school.

“What are we doing tonight?” Megan asks.

“Party at the moon tower!” Heather says in her bestDazed and Confusedvoice, making us laugh.

Megan hits her playfully. “I’m being serious.”

“Aaron said we’re heading to the lake. I guess some guys were able to get some alcohol,” I respond.

“Of course you’ll be with Aaron,” Heather taunts in a whiny voice.

They make fun of me, but I don’t care. I like to hang out with him. I always have. There’s a reason he’s been a best friend to me all these years. Now, we just get the added benefit of sex on top of that.

“Shut up.” I hit her the same way Megan did.

She grabs her shoulder. “Ow. Why am I getting so beat up today?”

“Because it’s so fun to do.” I smack her again.

She goes to jump on me, and I run away from her toward the car my dad bought me when I turned sixteen a few months ago. Heather doesn’t have a car yet, so she stops short when she gets to the passenger side and hops in when I reach over to unlock the door.

“Okay, so lake it is. I’ll meet you guys there,” Megan says.

“Sounds good. Don’t be late!” I yell over my shoulder.

She turns around and waves as she walks off in the opposite direction. “I won’t.”

Once in my car, I pull out the CD that Beau handed me today and pop it in my CD player. I was surprised when he stopped me in the hall and gave it to me, but when he said it was his favorite new band and he knew I’d like them, too, so he burned me a copy, I was super excited to listen to it.

“What’s this?” Heather picks it up, flipping it around to see who it is. “Who’s Unwritten Law?”

“Beau gave it to me today. He thought I’d like it,” I respond as I pull out of the parking lot.

“Beau gave you a CD? Um, isn’t that a little weird?”

I shrug. “Not really. He’s given me a few over the years. We both like rock so …”

“Okay then …” she responds as I turn up the first song.

We head back to my house, and Heather instantly starts going through my clothes.

“What to wear? What to wear?”

“Sure, go ahead and help yourself,” I tease.

She raises her eyebrows as she lifts her right shoulder. “I will. Thank you.”