Page 44 of Fumbled Past

Megan squints her face as she asks, “Giving you his penny wasn’t making it official enough for you?”

Guilt races over me.

Does he think we’re more than we are?

“That was the first time he showed any real interest in making it official. And it’s not like I accepted it.”

“But you were hanging out with him last night like you guys were a thing.” The expression on Megan’s face is just making everything worse.

“You’re ruining my good news.” I bite the inside of my lip, suddenly very unsure of things.

“Hey, I’m not trying to burst your bubble. I’m just shocked, is all.” She looks down at her sock and starts picking at something, then says under her breath, “And I think Beau might not be too happy about this new development.”

I look at Heather, and she shrugs.

“I can’t say I disagree. I know you guys haven’t said you’re official or anything, but he definitely looked into you last night.” She pauses, looking at Megan like she’s wondering if she should say what else she’s thinking, and then she decides she should. “And you looked into him.”

I drop my head back against my headboard. “I was. I mean, I do like him. It’s just—”

“You like Aaron more,” Heather says, finishing my sentence.

I nod. “Yeah. Ever since that kiss, it’s all I can think about. I just thought it was a one-time thing, so I was trying to move on.”

“So, Aaron comes a knocking, and you give in that fast?” Megan asks, making my jaw drop, so she holds her hands up, waving them back and forth. “It’s just that you said he basically broke your heart by saying it was a mistake, and then he found out Beau was making his move, so he swooped in instead, and you allowed him to?”

“It’s different with Aaron, and you know that,” I defend as I clasp my necklace in my hand. “He’s my firefly guy, my constant in my life. We just needed to figure that out, is all.”

Megan reaches over and touches my foot. “I do, and that’s what worries me. You’ve already admitted that he hurt you and you kept it from us. I don’t want to see that again.”

I look to Heather, who gives me the same expression.

“Just don’t keep things from us. You can always talk to us, especially if a guy screws you over. I’m always looking for a reason to kick a guy in the balls.”

I laugh as I throw a stuffed animal at her. “Please don’t kick Aaron in the balls.”

“As long as he doesn’t hurt my girl, then I won’t.” She grins.

“So, how are you going to tell Beau?” Megan asks.

“If we were never official, how do I even come out and say,So, I know we kissed, and we talk every once in a while, but I’m seeing another guy now, so …so what? What would I say without sounding like a prima donna, assuming we were together when we weren’t?”

Heather tilts her head to the side and waves her finger at me. “She has a point.”

Megan lets out a breath as she stands to go to my mirror to check her makeup. “I have a feeling tonight is going to be very interesting …”

* * *

Our town is having an Octoberfest downtown, and though none of us can drink, a group of us decide to go to hang out and listen to the bands playing and eat the food they’re offering. Now that Aaron has his license, we all head to his house to ride there with him.

As we approach, I grin, and he returns the gesture. We decided to wait to see if my dad would just figure it out without us coming out and telling him, so we don’t openly kiss each other, but seeing him again like this makes me want to so bad.

Instead, we both just say, “Hi,” and hop in the car with Megan and Heather taunting us the entire time.

“So, I take it, they know,” Aaron says once we’re sitting inside.

“Hell yes, we know. You dog.” Heather hits his shoulder playfully.

He grabs my hand, giving it a squeeze before he starts the engine and drives out of his driveway.