Page 37 of Fumbled Past

Beau shakes his as he lets out a breath. “Oh, but I think she does. The question is, what are you going to do about it?”

Aaron doesn’t look my way. “Fuck off, Beau.”

He storms off as Beau grabs my hand and brings it toward him, making me feel like I was the trophy that was just won even though I didn’t even realize a game had begun.


Sophomore Year

My night was kind of ruined after Aaron took off. Beau was being super attentive and sweet, but my mind was elsewhere.

I just don’t get why Aaron is acting this way.

Now, I’m home alone because my dad is still at the school even though it’s past midnight. I’m not surprised since this is what he does every Friday night. First, he goes to the Laundromat, where he reviews his notes while he washes all the players’ uniforms. Then, he goes back to the school and watches the films until at least two in the morning.

I finish brushing my teeth and get ready for bed when I hear a knock on my bedroom window. Knowing it could only be Aaron, I pause, not sure how I feel about him being here.

“Sadie,” I hear him say through the window.

I close my eyes, take a deep breath, and pull the curtain away to see him standing there. We stare at each other through the glass, neither of us making a move until he nods his head toward the front door and takes off on foot that way.

It takes me a few seconds to move, trying to think about why he’s here.

When he knocks on the door, I finally give in and open it up. Crossing my arms, I stand there in front of him.

He rubs his lips together as he takes me in, neither of us saying a word.

“Can I come in?” he says, finally breaking the silence. When I don’t respond, he continues, “Please. I just want to talk.”

I sigh and open the door wider for him to pass through, then walk back to my bedroom, wanting to grab a sweatshirt. He follows me and sits on my bed as I slide my Mac High hoodie over my head.

I lean against my dresser, waiting for him to say something.

“I came here to apologize,” he says, looking up at me.

“I’d say you have a few things to apologize for, so you’ll have to tell me exactly what you mean.”

“Well … first, I guess I need to apologize for making a scene tonight.”

“You think?” I deadpan.

He closes his eyes and takes a breath. “I don’t know why I let him giving you his penny get to me so much, but it did.”

I push off my dresser and come closer to him. “Why, Aaron? It makes no sense.”

“You know the meaning of that penny.” He sits up straight, like he’s trying to make a point.

I raise my eyebrows to him. “Not what I’m talking about, and you know it.”

To my surprise, he reaches out to me, grabbing my hand and pulling me closer.

Against my better judgment, I allow him to move me.

He looks down as he says, “I know. I just …” He pauses before looking into my eyes. “I’m not supposed to want you.”

His statement takes me back a bit, and I don’t know what to say, so we just stare at each other.

“Is that okay?” He pulls me slightly closer to him.