Page 32 of Fumbled Past

I slowly open my eyes, realizing what just happened.

I take a sharp inhale, closing my eyes again, trying to process everything.

“I’m okay,” I say barely above a whisper, then clear my throat and try again. “I’m okay. Where’s Heather?”

“Ugh,” I hear her whine, and I instantly feel this sense of relief flood over me. “I’m here, but my leg …”

Beau moves from around me and falls back against the seat. “Everyone okay?”

Letting out a quick breath, Justin pipes in, “Yeah. That deer came out of nowhere.”

“Sam?” Beau asks.

When there’s no reply, Aaron sits up. “Sam?”

“Oh my God, you guys,” Heather breathes out in disbelief. “There’s a lot of blood.”

Justin climbs out of the truck and runs to the passenger side of the truck. Beau is quick to follow him being able to hop out from behind him.

Aaron turns to me. “Stay here.”

With the driver’s seat pushed forward from Beau, he’s able to climb over me to get out since the passenger side of the truck is completely smashed in.

“Sam!” Justin yells as he tries to open the car door.

“My leg’s stuck!” Heather yells, and I lean forward to try to help her.

That’s when I see Sam with his head lying back on the headrest, blood covering everywhere I can see.

Since I’m so close to him, I lean closer and hear a faint breath escaping his mouth. “He’s breathing! Someone, go get help!”

“There’s a house up the road. I’ll go have them call 911.” Beau takes off running as we all try to open the mangled metal.

There’s so much blood. I’m not sure what to do, so I do the only thing I can think of and remove my shirt to put it against the gash across his forehead, holding it tightly.

“Good idea, Sadie,” Aaron says from the other side of the door. “Keep pressure on him.”

I turn to Heather. “Can you feel your leg?”

She nods as she fights back tears. “Yes. It’s not that bad, just stuck.”

“We’ll get you guys out. Beau’s getting help. He’s getting help. Everything will be okay,” I say more as a mantra to myself than anyone else.

The guys never stop trying to get the door open until the ambulance and police arrive. The paramedics are quick to step in with the Jaws of Life to get Sam out and on a stretcher to load into the ambulance as fast as possible.

Once Heather is free, we both hop out of the truck and hug so tightly that I can barely breathe, but I don’t care one bit. Thankfully, she’s just a little bumped up, and her leg is slightly cut and bruised.

Fear rips through me as we watch Sam being rushed off with flashing red and blue lights and sirens filling the silence around us.

When Aaron notices I’m standing in only my bra with Heather wrapped around me, he takes off his own shirt and touches my shoulder to get my attention. “Here, Sadie. Put this on.”

I take it from him and slip it over my head. As our eyes meet, I race to his arms and hold him tightly, and I completely lose it in the arms of my best friend.

A truck pulls up right after they leave, and Beau jumps out along with an older couple who must live where he went to use the phone.

“What happened with Sam?” Beau asks in fear.

“He’s breathing, but not in good shape. They rushed him to the hospital,” Justin responds.