Page 31 of Fumbled Past

Beau is quick on my heels, and when he grabs my hand, even this small gesture calms me down a bit.

I stop and turn to face him as I let out a deep breath. “Sorry about that.”

He runs his palm down my face, leaning slightly to see me more clearly. “Don’t be. That was kind of hot, watching you get all worked up like that.”

I’m sure people are wondering what that was all about since they don’t know exactly what happened that night. All they know is we’ve been best friends for years, so I’m sure rumors will fly shortly.

“Everyone thinks you guys are like brother and sister. Siblings fight all the time. It’s not a big deal.”

A quick laugh escapes my lips, and I rein it back in as fast as it came out.

Siblings definitely don’t kiss the way Aaron kissed me that night.

“Come on. Don’t let that ruin your night.” He nudges me playfully. “You can’t blame him for not wanting to get his ass kicked again on the field.”

I drop my head back and let out a frustrated sigh.

He tugs on my hand, and we head toward the truck.

Aaron opens the truck door for me to hop in, and it takes all my being to not scream at him, but I hold back, as we’ve already made too much of a scene in there and I don’t want to continue the show. That doesn’t stop me from glaring at him though.

Justin hops in on the driver’s side while all of us climb in through the passenger door. Beau is first to hop in back then me.

Sam, who’s standing outside still, says to Aaron, “Here, I’ll hop in back with them.”

“Nah. I’ll sit in back. You sit up front with Heather,” Aaron states, making me clench my jaw.

As Aaron hops in the backseat with us, Beau grabs my leg, trying to calm me down.

I close my eyes, then open them and turn to give him a small smile. He leans so his back is against the side wall and wraps his arm around me to pull me into him. I go willingly and try my hardest to only think of him and not the asshole sitting directly next to me.

We pull away from Gabe’s house and head toward the country with music blaring and all the windows rolled down.

With my head on his chest, I take Beau’s fingers in mine, moving them around playfully.

No matter how much I try to fight looking at Aaron, I can’t help it with the way I’m tilted sideways to lie on Beau. The expression he’s wearing is one I’ve never seen on him, and I can’t figure him out.

His jaw is clenched while his hand is gripping the headrest in front of him so tightly that I can see the white of his knuckles. He’s not looking at anything, but rather staring off into space.

I find myself staring at him when he turns to me and our eyes meet. Gone is the guy I’ve called my best friend for years, and in his place is someone I don’t even recognize.

He narrows his eyes at me, then turns his attention back to the front, just in time to yell, “Deer!”


Sophomore Year

Justin swerves to the left, then the right.

I get tossed into Beau, then thrown against Aaron, who holds me steady.

Justin slams on the brakes, and we go skidding sideways as I slam back against Beau, who wraps his arms around me, holding me down with his own body weight until we slam right into a tree.

Glass goes flying everywhere, and I hear the smashing of metal when we all come to a screeching halt way faster than our bodies can handle.

My head spins out of control as pain rips through my body from the impact we just encountered. Blackness takes me over, and all I can feel is so much weight covering me.

“Sadie!” I hear Aaron yell in a panic.