Page 25 of Fumbled Past

I head to my room without another word. I’m smarter than that, and I know not to argue with him.

“And don’t think I didn’t see you holding hands with Beau.”

I turn to see if he’ll finish that sentence, but he doesn’t. Instead, he heads out to the garage to hit the punching bag hanging in there, I’m sure.

I shake my head and continue my way back to my room, frustrated with how my night began and ended.Great.

* * *

The next morning, I wake up to Aaron knocking on my window.

I ignore him, but when he keeps knocking, I finally stand up and slide my curtain to the side.

I don’t say anything when I come face-to-face with him. Instead, I just cross my arms and glare at him with a raised eyebrow.

“Well, good morning to you too,” Aaron says with a surprised expression.

“Not really. You woke me up.”

He sighs, looking down, then back to me. “So, you hate me now?”

I shrug my shoulders. “Let’s see. You kissed me. Then, you said it was a mistake. Then, you got all weird when you saw me with Beau—who, by the way, was who you had broken me away from when you kissed me. Then, you show up here like everything is all hunky-dory? Oh, and be thankful you didn’t go last night. We got caught by my dad.”

He doesn’t look surprised, and I stop in my tracks. This should be shocking news—likeholy shitnews—yet he sits here, staring at me like I just told him it’s morning time and not that we got caught by my dad.

He couldn’t have …

I narrow my eyes. “But I get the feeling you already knew that.”

“Knew what?” He gets defensive.

I step closer to the window. “Did you rat us out to my dad?”

“No!” he states firmly, but I don’t buy it by the way his eyes don’t meet mine.

“How else did he know we were there?”

“I don’t know. Someone probably called him. You know he’d be the one they called if anything was happening on that field.”

“Or you didn’t want me with Beau, and you told my dad so I’d get caught with him.”

“Whatever, Sadie. You don’t know what you’re talking about.” He blows me off, but it only fuels my anger more.

“You totally did. What’s wrong, Aaron? You don’t want me, but you don’t want anyone else to have me either?”

He steps back, away from my window, shaking his head. “I’m going to practice.”

“Have fun, kissing my dad’s ass. I’m sure you’ll enjoy watching Beau pay for your actions.”

When I close my window, all I see is rage. He had to have said something. That’s why my dad looked at his place when we got home. That has to be why he was so shocked to see me there when my supposedly best friend, the guy he trusted me with more than anything, was the person who ratted me out.


Present Day

I close my eyes and shake my head slightly as a small laugh escapes my lips. I never thought I’d get over being that mad at him that night.

That was the worst summer of my life. My dad was so strict with where I went, and he was not quiet on the fact that he didn’t trust Beau—or Aaron for that matter. I felt like I was on lockdown, only able to go out with the girls during the day. My nights were completely ruined. Dad kept saying he had to make sure I knew he wasn’t playing around, and believe me, I read him loud and clear.