Page 23 of Fumbled Past

Heather turns to us from the front seat of the truck. “What was up Aaron’s ass?”

I sigh. No one knows what happened, and at this moment, I’m so happy I didn’t tell anyone.

After a second, I shrug and say, “He’s always kissed my father’s ass, ever since we were little. I’m sure he just doesn’t want to get caught.”

“It will be fine. We went many times last summer,” Justin says as he cranks the engine and puts the truck in drive.

We drive out the dirt road, bumping around in the backseat. Every time we hit a bump, my leg hits Beau’s, and after the third time, he wraps his hand around it and keeps it there.

I give him a slight smile and love when he slowly starts to rub my leg with small circles.

“Wonderwall” by Oasis blares around us, and Justin turns it up, singing the song.

When the lyrics say, “I don’t believe that anybody feels the way I do about you now,” Beau squeezes my knee a little harder. When I look at him, I notice this pull between us, this chemistry that we keep fighting but is obviously there. The way I want to crawl in his arms feels so normal, and I have to stop myself from doing so.

I’m thankful I don’t feel like we have to talk due to the music being so loud, and I sit here and enjoy the closeness of him, mixed with the feelings starting to take effect from the beer I slammed before we left.

As we pull up to the high school parking lot, I start to freak out when what we’re doing really hits me. If my father knew kids snuck on the field to drink, he would probably lose his shit.

Justin pulls to the back of the school and puts the truck in park, next to another truck full of kids. He kills the engine, then the lights that were illuminating the night sky like a silent bullhorn saying we’re here.

Beau leans over and whispers in my ear, “It’s not too late to back out. Believe me, I can keep us occupied just fine right here while they’re on the field.”

The way he looks at me sends chills to so many places that I have to wait a few breaths before I can respond. The more I sit here though, the more I realize that us, in this truck alone, probably isn’t a good idea either, so I shake my head. “It’s all good. Let’s go.”

I hop out of the truck with Beau on my heels as we head toward the gate, where Kurt—a senior player who, of course, I know from being at my house every Thursday night—is standing.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t little Zeeman, joining the party,” Kurt singsongs.

I grin as I tilt my head to the side and my hip to the other. “Don’t look so surprised. I basically live here anyway.”

I step through the gate that he unlocked somehow as he says, “That you do.”

I stop on the other side of the gate and wait for Beau.

“She with you?” Kurt asks.

“Yep,” Beau says as he reaches for my hand.

“Good, because I ain’t going down for shit if Coach finds out. That will be all on you.”

Beau grins my way. “I’m not worried about it.”

We all walk out onto the field with only the moonlight above to guide us. Once on the fifty-yard line, we all take a seat. After I’m sitting, Beau grabs me and pulls me in front of him so I am sitting between his legs and able to lean back on him. Realizing quickly just how comfortable the position is, I sit back even more and enjoy being in his arms as he kisses the top of my head.

Tony, one of the older guys who’s here with Kurt, grabs the ball he brought and tells Justin to go deep. Justin jumps to his feet and runs back and to the left just in time for him to catch the ball right before Kurt rushes him and drops him to the ground with a thud.

They continue their little game as I sit in Beau’s arms, talking to the rest of the group.

When Justin goes out for a long pass, he throws up his arms, only to be stopped short when bright lights shine into the stadium, blinding us all.

“Who’s out there?” I hear my dad yell.

I instantly tense up and look to Beau, who drops his head back, saying, “Shit.”

“Run!” Kurt shouts, but Beau stops him.

“To where? The entire place is fenced in.”