Page 15 of Fumbled Past

For the first time, I feel like I’m in the middle of a weird competition I had no idea I was even participating in.


End of Freshman Year

Football season quickly turned into basketball season and then baseball for the boys and competition season for us girls. The year went so fast, and I can’t believe today is our last day of school.

Gabe’s parents are out of town, so he’s having everyone over tonight to celebrate. I told my dad I’m staying at Megan’s, so I don’t have to tell him where we’re really going. Yes, I am staying at her house, so technically, it’s not lying.

“I think you should wear my skirt tonight,” Megan says as she throws it to where I’m sitting on her bed. “You know Beau has been eyeing you all year, and if he doesn’t make a move tonight, I don’t know what’s wrong with that boy. That skirt might give him a reason to finally do something.”

I pick it up and eye it. I’ve completely given up on him trying to make a move, especially after homecoming night. When he offered to escort me, I thought we were finally going to cross that line, but nope.

We’ve spent all year in class next to each other, talking about music and really getting to know each other. I’m loving the bands he’s introduced me to, and we’ve even hung out when we’re in groups, but that’s it. Nothing more.

I know I have no chance with other guys because of my dad, but I honestly thought I had a chance with him then since he didn’t really know everything about my dad. I guess I was lying to myself in thinking he might be new enough to not care about my dad’s rules.

It makes me wonder if my dad sits in the locker room, going over plays before ending their meetings with,And remember, my daughter is strictly off-limits.

I sigh, knowing my high school days are doomed for sure.

Deciding I should wear it anyway to show all the guys what they’re missing, I stand up and slide the shorts I’m wearing down my legs, kick them off, and step into her skirt. It’s a little shorter than I’m used to, but it looks super cute on me.

“That’s my girl,” she says as she puts on some lip gloss and gives herself a final look.

She and Gabe have been dating for a couple of months, so I know as soon as we get there, she’ll be off with him somewhere. There’s no guarantee Beau will even be there tonight, but I hope Heather will show up sooner than she thinks she can so I’m not the third wheel for long.

Since Megan’s been dating Gabe, her mom doesn’t think anything is out of the ordinary when we ask her to drop us off at his place. We’re the first ones to arrive, so there’s no sign of a party happening at all.

I make my way past their suck-face session into the house and to the kitchen to see what he has set up to drink.

“Where did all this come from?” I ask when I see a mountain of alcohol bottles on the counter.

“Nope. I swore I wouldn’t tell, but let’s just say, I got the hookup. We just had to promise that everyone who drinks will stay the night,” Gabe says as he wraps his arm around Megan’s neck, raising his eyebrows to her.

I have a feeling tonight is going to be one hell of a night for more reasons than one.

Gabe approaches the counter, grabs some red Solo cups, and sets three out for us. “What can I get you?”

I shrug, having no clue what to drink so I turn to Megan in question.

She looks over the offerings, then turns to Gabe. “Surprise us.”

He grabs the rum bottle, pours a small amount into the cups, then tops it off with Coke.

“It’s early, so I only put in a little.” He hands us our drinks. “Cheers.” He holds up his cup.

“Cheers,” we both say as we clink drinks.

I let the liquid sit in my mouth for a second before I drink it down, only to realize it’s actually not that bad. I’m glad he made it mild so I can get used to the taste, and I don’t feel the burn that I’ve heard other people talk about when they drink alcohol, especially those first sips.

Realizing I like it, I smile and take another sip.

A few minutes later, a group of guys walks through the house, yelling, “Party!”

Gabe rushes to high-five everyone I know from school, and within minutes, the music is playing, and more drinks are flowing.

Aaron arrives and instantly eyes the drink I have in my hand. I hold it up to him with a smile, and all he does is shake his head before heading my way.