Page 82 of Rock Bottom Romance

Crystal raised an eyebrow, her face warming under his touch. “You know about that?”

“Yeah. That and more. It’s why I…”

“What? It’s why you what?”

“It’s why I love you.”

She blinked as her heart expanded at the words she’d never dreamed she’d hear from him. “Hold on. This is a lot to—”

“Just hear me out.”

Her breath hitched, and she waited.

“I want you in my life. Yes, I love you.” He lowered his head and gave her a gentle, soft kiss.

His words crashed through her, evoking a cascade of emotions. He loved her?

“There’s more.” He placed his hands on her shoulders with a light, tentative touch. “My family wants you in their lives too. Mom said she’d love your help with the wedding venue business,and Brody admitted we need a marketing person for the park. We’d like to hire you.”

“Wait, what?” Crystal’s head was spinning. This couldn’t be happening. Zach had talked to his family and followed up on the plans she had mentioned? “But when this stupid reality show airs, my status might go up in flames.”

“I’m not worried about it. We wouldn’t be hiring you for your status. Whatever you do on your own as an influencer is above and beyond the job. I believe in you. You can overcome anything. I’m the one who has issues, and even that’s better when we’re together.”

And just like that, she melted and the tears flowed. This man, who had seen more trauma in his life than she could ever imagine, had faith inher. “You are the strongest person I’ve ever met. You helped me when I felt most vulnerable and out of my element. You shared your family with me. That was a gift.”

He brushed her tear with his thumb and wrapped his arms around her. “I can’t stand to see you cry. All I ever want to do is make you smile.”

She hugged him back as memories of their time together flooded back. Her gruff Grizzly had turned out to be a strong man of character and compassion. He’d flown across the country to make an in-person apology for something that, truth be told, she should have known all along.

He kissed the top of her head, took a deep breath, and stepped back. “I know you’d be giving up a lot to leave your Hollywood life, but I wouldn’t ask you to without something to offer.”

“What do you mean?”

He fished in his pocket, pulled out a velvet box, and dropped to his knee.

Oh my God. He couldn’t be about to…could he? Blood pounded in her head, and her legs went weak.

The slightest tremor shook his normally firm, steady hand as he opened the ring box and held it up. “I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?”

Sheer love for him pulsed through her body. Whatever came their way, they would handle together. Just the thought of going back with him launched her heart sky-high. Too choked up to speak, she nodded.

His eyes blazed, and a relieved grin lit up his face as he stood, slipped the ring onto her finger, and kissed her.

“I love you too,” she whispered against his lips, saying the words that had been singing in her soul since she’d fallen for him, and he’d caught her.


Brody brought up a spreadsheet of the park’s finances and color-coded the line items. He rubbed his forehead to ease the tension. For the first time in a while, the numbers looked promising. Crystal’s marketing and promotions over the last three months had resulted in more bookings. He’d had a scare when the network didn’t pick upCelebrity Trials. They’d gone with some kitchen-wars show instead. He’d have thought people were sick of those, but what did he know?

As it turned out, Crystal’s influencer status remained intact, and she’d brought in business. Maybe even more than the show would have if it ran, because that was a onetime deal, but she continued to post and promote daily. People liked her, and she kept gaining followers.

He shoved back from the computer and ran a hand through his hair. Brody never would have thought Zach would fall for someone like Crystal. They were complete opposites. Yet, having her in his life had changed Zach. Not that he didn’t still have his grumpy moments, but he actually smiled again. There was a lightness about him that Brody hadn’t seen in years. A weight inhis chest lifted. He’d missed his once carefree brother and was glad that Zach had found someone who made him happy.

Brody wasn’t holding out for that to happen to him. He’d already laid his heart on the line and been burned. Nope. He’d never risk falling in love again. Been there, done that.

“Hey, Brody.” Zach entered the room, headed to the coffeepot, and poured a cup. “What a shock. Levi isn’t here yet.”

“I heard that. I was right on your heels.” Levi smirked and sauntered into the room. “Maybe if you weren’t daydreaming about Crystal, you would have heard me.”