Page 75 of Rock Bottom Romance

Crystal yawned and blinked her eyes. She’d slept like the dead after the stressful night. Zach had dropped her at her tent, despite Sydney’s earlier threats. Maybe nothing would come of it since he hadn’t interrupted any scenes.

Murphy’s happy bark came from nearby, and Crystal smiled. Thank goodness he’d recovered. She dressed and stepped outside. Angie, wearing a yellow T-shirt with the park name on the front, waved and walked over with Murphy. Gone was the heavy makeup. Her face looked fresh and clean. What a difference. Best not to say anything and embarrass her.

She stopped in front of Crystal, and Murphy wagged his tail.

“He’s doing better.” Angie stroked the top of his head.

Crystal bent and scratched behind his ears. “Hey, guy. You gave us a scare.”

Sydney’s car drove down the path. She parked, got out, and approached.

Uh oh. Hopefully her coming had nothing to do with Zach. Crystal straightened.

“Good news. We’re done,” Sydney said.

Crystal cocked her head. “We are? It doesn’t seem like you have enough material for the show.”

“After last night we do. We watched the still-camera footage, and it’s good stuff. Just what we needed.”

Angie gasped, her eyes widening. “Wait, you mean you filmed me when Murphy got bit, and you’re going to put that on TV?”

“Yup. Your parents signed a waiver for the whole family, giving us permission to use whatever we captured on camera. It was part of the deal for camping on location.”

“But…but…I didn’t know about that, and I had to look horrible. I was a mess. You can’t show that. Everyone will make fun of me.” Angie grabbed Crystal’s arm. “I’ll never live it down. I’m already not popular. This will ruin my life. Can’t you do something?”

Crystal’s blood heated. Like hell she’d let them embarrass the girl. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to approve any scenes from last night. We’ll have to film others.”

“I’m afraid not. It says right in your contract the production company has complete control over what footage we use.” Sydney held her hands up. “Guess you never read it.”

Crystal’s brain froze, and she shook her head. “That can’t be true. My agent would have said something.”

“Take it up with her. I’m just saying, we’re done. I’ve already booked our flights back.”

The hair on Crystal’s arms stood at attention and every nerve fired. This couldn’t be happening. All those humiliating incidents she thought they’d have to cut would air? And poor Angie was trying to change and make new friends. This would be a social media nightmare for her. Crystal had to stop them. “You can’t show those scenes I wanted cut. I’m going to call my agent and get it all straightened out.”

Angie’s grip tightened on Crystal’s arm. Murphy whined and leaned against the girl, nudging her leg with his nose.

“There’s nothing you can do. The contract went through legal review and is final,” Sydney said.

Cold dread sucked the air out of Crystal’s lungs. “Forget about how this affects me for a second. You can’t do this to Angie. Don’t you have any feelings?”

Sydney shrugged. “You’ve been in the business long enough to know how it works. It’s all about ratings and money. Nothing personal. I’ll be in touch about the travel arrangements.”

Crystal fumed as Sydney headed back to the car. There had to be something she could do.

Angie sniffed, and tears rolled down her cheeks.


Crystal knew what it felt like to be splashed all over the TV as a kid and teenager.

“Why don’t you go talk to your parents? They need to know about this and might have some recourse. I’ve got some important calls to make.” Crystal squeezed her arm.

“If they put this on TV, it’s the end of me. The mean girls will blast pictures on every social media platform, and the whole school will mock me.”

The agony and distress in the girl’s eyes clutched at Crystal’s throat like a stranglehold. She’d messed up big time, and Angie was right. The other kids would rip her to shreds. “I’m sorry. I’ll do everything I can to stop them.”

Angie nodded and tugged Murphy’s leash. “Let’s go, boy.”