Page 67 of Rock Bottom Romance

She jerked her head back up.

His eyes softened, and he stroked her hand. “I don’t understand how it would work, and I can’t make any promises, but…”

Her lungs caved as she hung on to his every word. “But?”

Straightening his shoulders, he let out a breath and said, “Maybe we can give it a shot?”

This time she didn’t fight back the tears. Her eyes welled, and she threw her arms around him, crushing him with a hug.

He kissed her head and stroked her back. “Let’s take it one day at a time and try to figure things out.”

She nodded into his shoulder, too choked up to speak.

“You’re worth it,” he whispered into her ear.

Her soul leaped for joy at the words she thought she’d never hear or believe. He gave her hope, and she’d do everything in her power to make him happy.

Crystal unzipped her tent and stepped outside. Almost seven at night and still hot as hell. Zach hadn’t been around since he’d dropped her off earlier that morning. She knew he needed to stay away from her camp, but it was killing her not to see him. What if he’d changed his mind about giving them a chance? She broke out in a sweat.

All day she’d thought about him while working the kayak scene they never filmed after the bear fiasco yesterday. Sydney seemed happy to have more footage and mentioned they were nearly done. It made no sense, though, because of all the scenesthey’d have to cut that Crystal wouldn’t approve. Whatever. The producers had to know how much film they needed.

The sound of jingling dog tags came from the camp next door. Angie stood by the tent while Murphy sniffed the ground. Of course, he was soaking wet again from swimming in the lake. Maybe he’d stay over there for a change.

Crystal sighed and sat on a rock by the edge of the campfire. What was she going to do now? Her blog had taken off, and she had several ideas for how to make money, but they all needed to be worked out. Was she willing to change her entire life to be with Zach? Could she handle being in the sticks after all her time in Hollywood?

Shutting her eyes, she flashed back to the way he’d made her feel last night. It wasn’t just about the sex. He’d given all of himself to her. Everything about the man wasrealand solid. She trusted him, something that didn’t come easy for her. He had no agenda or need to use her. She shifted, feeling a bit achy in parts she wasn’t used to, but in a good way. A reminder of what they’d shared and would again with any hope.

She stood and dusted off her pants. Maybe a walk by the water would help clear her head. Something about being by the sparkling lake and feeling the sun on her face soothed her. Yeah, shecouldget used to being in nature.

She took a step into the brush. A rattle sounded, and she froze. A coiled rattlesnake sat in a hollow under a tree.

She screeched, trying to back up.

Panicked, feet scrambling, she kicked up dust and leaves at the snake as she fell on her butt.

The snake’s tail rattled harder, and it coiled tighter.

She was only a foot from it, well within striking distance.

Oh no, oh no, oh no.

Her heart raced triple-time as she tried to ease away in a crab-walk.

Murphy bounded down the hill barking. Just as the snake struck, he lunged at it.

The snake bit him right in the mouth.

Murphy whelped and tried to attack again, but the snake streaked off into the woods.

A flood of adrenaline shot Crystal to her feet as the dog flopped down, panting.

Angie raced up to them and dropped to her knees. “Oh my God. Murphy! He…he…his tongue is bleeding. That snake bit his tongue.”

Crystal’s pulse ran a fast track through her body, and she forced herself to focus. Murphy might have saved her life. Thank God she’d read the section on snakes in Zach’s endless safety manual. Although that hadn’t done her any good when she’d freaked out instead of moving slowly. Her fault Murphy had taken the hit. She’d make it up to him.

“We have to get him to a vet. Where are your parents?”

Angie shook her head hard. “They’re fishing way far out on the lake. I was supposed to take care of him.” She hugged him, tears streaming down her face. “Don’t die. Don’t die.”