Page 62 of Rock Bottom Romance

He didn’t care if she was broke, unpopular, and doing a shitty reality show. None of the things everyone else in her world valued even mattered to him. He cared abouther, the real her, not the Hollywood version created for publicity and branding. What was she going to do now?

She’d fallen in love with him.

Her heart jolted as the realization hit home.

When? She couldn’t say.

When he’d taken her to the urgent care for her poison ivy? When he’d kissed her senseless even with a rash on her face? When he’d taught her to fish? When he’d climbed that tree, despite his anxiety, and caught her, saving her life?

He had it all wrong. She wasn’t worthy ofhim.

Every time she’d pushed him away, he’d come back and captured another piece of her heart until he owned it all.

Crazy as it sounded, she’d started thinking about a way to make things work without going back to Hollywood. She needed to share her ideas with Zach.

A glimmer of hope flickered inside. Maybe, just maybe, she could turn her life around and not need to be back in the fray where people didn’t give a shit whether she lived or died.

This selfless man did.

If she told him how she felt, he might freak out. She had to take a risk and show him.

She swallowed and took a step closer to him. If he had any feelings for her, she’d find out soon enough.

Pulse racing, she took another step and wrapped her arms around him from behind.

He froze.

“Crystal, what are you doing?”

She took the leap, rested her forehead on his back, and ran her hands over his pecs, feeling them quiver under her touch. “Stop trying to scare me off. It won’t work.”

His pulse thumped under her fingers. That had to mean something.

“You had it right before. We need to stay away from each other,” he said in a strained voice.

“Only from the cameras.” She hugged him tighter, pressing her body against him. The heat coming off him lit a fire inside her.

He spun around and held her at arm’s length. “You need to go. Don’t start this.”

His eyes blazed, denying his words.

God help her, she wanted him. From the top of her head to the tips of her toes, and every place between, shewantedhim. No one had ever made her feel this way. She hadn’t believed in love until now. Never thought she’d have sex with someone she loved. But she was all in. No matter what happened down the road, she’d have this moment and this memory, if he’d give it to her.

She reached out, slid her hands down his arms, laced her fingers through his, and stepped closer.

He stood stock-still but his gaze went to her lips. “I’m warning you to stop before I can’t.”

That sent a chill through her body. He did want her. It was all the encouragement she needed. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

For the briefest moment he hesitated, but then kissed her back with a ferocity that sent her senses spinning.

She opened her mouth and was thrilled to the feel of his tongue mating with hers. His fresh, unique scent tantalized her. He unleashed a passion hot and furious in her that now demanded more.Neededmore.

“Bedroom.” He tugged her hand, and she followed.

Standing by the bed, she yanked at his T-shirt, and he flipped it off.

Her eyes devoured his perfectly sculpted torso. She hungered for more, and he brought it.