“They already did. They called this morning and want this location.” Brody sat back in his chair.

Levi pumped a fist in the air. “Hot damn.”

Zach’s blood pressure zoomed, and he jumped to his feet. “No freaking way. That crew couldn’t get out of here fast enough.”

Brody’s eyes narrowed. “Why?”


“Doesn’t matter,” Zach said. “It’s not happening. End of discussion.”

Brody thumped the folder. “I’m not excited about it either, but it’s this or risk closing down.”

“Not true. My plan will work.” Zach crossed his arms.

“Stop being a buzzkill.” Levi nudged Zach. “The production will bring in droves of people.”

“No freaking way I’m having my area turned into a circus. You love the idea so much, let them film at the marina.”

“I told you before I’m down with that.” Levi clasped his hands together. “I’d be happy to show Crystal how to handle a worm.”

“Knock it off, Levi. Not everything is a joke.” Brody sighed. “They specified camping. It’s not up to us.”

“Too bad. I’m out of here.” Zach took a step toward the door.

“Not so fast.” Brody rose, towering over the desk. “You know the deal. We need to vote on whether to sign with them.”

Zach spun on his heel. “Like hell. The campgrounds are my territory.”

“You agreed to this arrangement. Majority rules. I vote yes. Levi?”

“Sorry, Zach. I’m in.”

Blood pounded in Zach’s head, and he fisted his hands.

This was going to be a complete shit show.

Chapter Five

Crystal fumed on the whole trip back to Stone Island Park. The producers had refused to consider any other location after watching the films. They’d loved Crystal’s reactions to all the hidden horrors awaiting her at what she deemed to be a camper’s version of Jurassic Park. Despite her protests, she had no say in the final decision. Sick bastards.

Like before, Trevor had set up ahead of time and stood by his truck, waiting for them. Sydney parked next to a cement slab with a pile of camping gear on top.

Crystal would have to figure out what to do with all that stuff. The YouTube videos she’d seen showed a million different ways to set up camps. She’d never gotten around to reading the rules and safetymissiveZach had sent them because she was sure they wouldn’t pick the location. It would take her a year to plow through it.

“I can’t believe I have to deal with that cocky jerk, Zach.”

“I’m not his biggest fan either,” Sydney said. “Everyone’s pissed we had to cut all of the shoot last week since he won’t let us use any footage of him on the show.”

“Whose fault is that? Shouldn’t you have gotten permission to film him ahead of time?”

“I don’t need you to tell me how to do my job.” Sydney snatched her purse and threw her keys inside. “Most people are eager to be on television.”

Grizzly wasn’t most people. With his lack of social skills, the man belonged in the wilds. He gave new meaning to the word condescending. How dare he chastise Crystal for not being prepared? She wasn’t a Girl Scout.

She’d worn the same glitzy outfit as in the last shoot since they couldn’t use that scene. Her fans needed to see her glammed up before she turned into “frontier woman” for the film.

The rumble of an engine grew louder, and Zach emerged from the woods riding his UTV. Once again, he wore camo pants, an olive T-shirt, and those mirrored sunglasses. Did he even own any other clothes?