Page 46 of Rock Bottom Romance

She tasted of sweet mint, and he couldn’t get enough of her. He thrust his tongue deeper, exploring every corner of her mouth. A small whimper escaped her, and his ever-growing hard-on strained against the fabric of his pants.

His heart pumped faster than a high-speed train and took him right off the rails. He cupped her ass with his hands, and she moaned, digging her nails into his back.

She rocked her hips, and he groaned.

Someone cleared their throat from the doorway.

Zach froze, and Crystal jerked away from him.

Her eyes were wide, and her lips swollen. She gasped for air and stumbled backward, right into Levi.

“I came to see if Crystal wanted a ride home, but it looks like she’s in good hands.” Levi gave Zach a sideways grin and steadied her, letting go when she found her balance.

Zach’s entire body was on fire. What the holy hell? He clearly couldn’t trust himself to be around her. He bent and picked up the paintbrush to avoid facing her. “It’s hot, and I’m almost done. Just go ahead, Crystal.”

She mumbled something and bolted past Levi.

Zach pointed to him. “Not a word from you.”

Levi shook his head, a rueful, you-just-blew-it smile on his face before he turned and followed Crystal.

Zach’s shoulders slumped. How the hell was he going to fix this?

Chapter Twenty-One

Crystal’s heart raced as she stood by the car, waiting for Levi. What was wrong with her? She’d lost control. At the touch of Zach’s lips, her body had cranked into full lust mode, craving him. She’d never been kissed that way before. She couldn’t get close enough, and she’d sure as hell tried.

At least it hadn’t been one-sided.

The kicker was he’d kissed her even though she looked like she’d fallen face-first into a hornet’s nest. She wore no makeup, had blotchy skin, and hat hair. No guy in Hollywood would have come close to her, much less have kissed her.

Zach had told her he didn’t care about her splotchy face. She wouldn’t have believed him if he hadn’t backed it up with a kiss.

And what a kiss.

Levi came out of the house, and they climbed into the car. He started the engine. “You sure you want to leave?”

“Yes. Please, can we get out here?” She buried her face in her hands.

“All right.” He backed the car out of the driveway. “You wanna talk about it?”

“I’m mortified,” she said, her voice muffled through her fingers. She’d humiliated herself enough for one night.

A strangled chuckle came from the driver’s seat, and she whipped her head up. “What’s so funny?”

“I’m sorry. I can’t help it. Zach and Brody have given me endless shit over my love life, and it’s nice to have the tables turned for once. I don’t mean to be a jerk. I can see you’re embarrassed, but you and Zach are adults. It’s not like you got caught kissing on the playground.” He nudged her arm. “It’s okay to admit you like each other.”

“But we don’t. We drive each other crazy. He orders me around all the time and treats me like a child. And all I do is cause trouble.”

“Uh huh.” Levi slowed for a stop sign and glanced at her. “Trust me, he doesnotthink of you as a child.”

The memory of Zach’s tongue sliding against hers and his hands cupping her ass sent a wave of heat through her. She angled her body and gazed out the window to hide what had to be a full-out blush.

“And the ordering you around thing? Zach was a combat engineer in charge of a unit overseas. He’s used to telling people what to do, including Brody and me, but we don’t put up with it.”

“I didn’t know what he did in the army.”

“Even I don’t know much about it. All I can say is he had a tough time over there and came back different.”