Page 44 of Rock Bottom Romance

He was right on both counts. She shrugged. “I wore a hat, sunglasses, and these clothes.”


“Turns out, there are a lot of nice things in the shop if you have a discerning eye, and we found the perfect pictures for this room without costing your mother a fortune.” She nodded in satisfaction.

He let out a breath. “Well, good. Moving on to the next subject. Exactly how do you plan to detail this room when the paint isn’t going to be dry until Friday, and company is coming on Saturday?”

Crystal nibbled her lip. “I have it all worked out, no need to worry.”

His gaze dropped to her mouth, and a muscle under his jaw twitched.

“I better stop talking or we’ll never finish. I’ll—”

“Not so fast.” He shook his head. “Enlighten me on this plan of yours.”

Crap. He wouldn’t let this go, but it didn’t matter. She was bound and determined to finish the room. “Levi said he’d lend me his bike. It has a headlight, and this is just a couple miles off the island. Sydney can’t possibly bitch if I leave when it’s dark because they aren’t filming then.” Crystal straightened her shoulders. “I can get the job done in less than two hours and have it ready for Saturday morning, no problem.”

Zach held his breath and counted to five. “To be clear, your plan is to ride a bike, with just a headlight, down dark country roads for miles?”

“There shouldn’t be much traffic. Deer would be the only issue, and I won’t be going fast like a car.”

“Not that this iseverhappening, but which side of the road would you be riding on?”

“The right side, of course. Do you think I’m an idiot?”

“No. You’d be surprised at how many bikers don’t know they are supposed to be on the same side as the cars driving.” He grazed a hand down his face. “Oncoming traffic in the opposite lane will see the headlight, but you need a taillight for the cars behind you.”

She frowned. “I’m really not worried about it. In the dark, anyone should be able to see a headlight.”

“Never mind. You’re making me crazy. There’s no way you’re riding a bike here at night. It’s not safe. I can’t bring you because I’ll have a camp full of Boy Scouts.”

The tension in her chest eased. Great. Problem solved. She didn’t want to spend more time with him anyway. All he didwas make her feel things she’d rather not, considering their attraction was going nowhere.

Zach frowned. “You can borrow my truck.”

“Thanks, but no way. I haven’t driven much in my life and wouldn’t be comfortable handling something that big. Your mom wanted to pick me up, but she said she’s not supposed to drive in the dark with her bad night vision. Don’t worry about it. I’ll be fine.” Crystal turned, but he put a hand on her arm.

“Wait a second. Are you saying my mother is okay with this? You told her what you’re going to do?” The side of his mouth twisted.

“Yup. Now, we should get back to—”

“Hold on.” Zach went to the top of the stairs. “Hey, Mom?”

Chapter Twenty

Zach waited, glancing at Crystal from the corner of his eye. No way his mother was okay with Crystal riding a bike on pitch-dark roads at night.

“What?” His mom came to the bottom of the steps.

“Did Crystal tell you how she was going to get here Friday night to paint flowers on the walls?”

“Yes, it’s very sweet of her.” His mother wiped her hands on the dishtowel she held. “Oh, and Crystal, I’d like to go with the fuchsia pink you showed me. Do you think that will work?”

“Of course. That’s my favorite.”

The acid in his stomach burned. Had an alien taken over his mother? She thought Crystal’s plan was “sweet,” not dangerous?

His mom called up the stairs, “And by the way, Crystal, no need for you to ride a bike here. I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to you. Brody is coming on Friday night to discuss the finances for the farm stand and co-op sales. He said he’d bring you and take you back.”