Chapter One

Crystal Lovechild would rather be caught without makeup by paparazzi than scout another wretched location for a campground-set reality show. From the passenger seat of a dented SUV, she tugged at the seatbelt, chafing her neck. She checked her fresh manicure and let out a breath. All good. The tips and polish would have to last throughout filming. How she longed for the days when she arrived at a gig in a chauffeured limo with her own hair, makeup, and wardrobe team.

“You gotta be shitting me. More wild turkeys?” Sydney, her field producer, leaned on the horn. She blew her purple-streaked bangs up and slapped the steering wheel. The flock jerked, separated, and trotted off the road.

“Are we almost there?” Crystal gazed out the window. They sure as hell weren’t in Hollywood anymore. Cows grazed behind miles of fences. This spot in the Midlands of South Carolina took the prize for the most remote of the four locations they’d scouted and showed the least promise. Nothing but farms, fruit stands, and blood-thirsty mosquitos. She shuddered and scratched her now itchy arm.

“We’re close.” Sydney’s pierced lips twisted. “Not exactly what you’re used to, is it?”

“I’ll be fine.” Crystal hoped.

Sydney was a real pain in the ass with a chip on her shoulder a mile high, knowing the star of the show would be a fallen celebrity. From the moment they’d met, the woman had doled out one backhanded insult after another. People loved to see a famous person out of their element. The concept of a celebrity learning to rough it camping had thrilled test audiences, but Sydney’s production company couldn’t afford an A-list actor. She’d made sure Crystal knew she’d been theirlastchoice in the low-budget production.

Since subletting her Hollywood penthouse wasn’t enough to put a dent in Crystal’s bills, it was the reality show or wait tables. So not happening. She cringed at the mere thought.

She glanced at her silent phone, and a pit formed in her stomach. No texts, messages, or calls, aside from Jenna, Crystal’s long-time friend, the one person who hadn’t ghosted her.

Sydney slowed for yet another turn in the road. “I hope you like hot dogs and beans because there’s no caviar on the island.”

“It’s two months. I’ll survive.” A bead of sweat trickled down Crystal’s back. Her agent had made it clear it was this gig or nothing. Crystal needed a spark to get people talking about her again, and any screen time counted. Besides, how hard could camping be?

At last, they reached the gate. A sign that read “Stone Island Park” marked the entrance. Sydney stopped at the admissions booth and opened the window.

Hot humid air rushed in. The temperature topped ninety and it was only the first week of June.

A short, stout woman, wearing a khaki safari shirt and shorts, stepped out of the booth.

Sydney handed her a business card. “We’re with the production company forCelebrity Trials.”

“Yeah, I heard y’all were coming to check out the island. You’re gonna love it.” The park attendant bent and peered at Crystal’s glittery halter tank, miniskirt, and stilettos. Her lips twitched and her eyebrows knitted. “That’s…quite the outfit.”

“Thank you.” Crystal’s chest inflated and rose like a hot-air balloon. She’d glammed up for scouting the sites. In the end, she might decide she didn’t want them to use any of the footage, but if she did, she’d give her fans a glimpse of the star they knew and loved. Couldn’t hurt to start off with some confidence, and it might be a while before she could dress in her fashion line of clothes again.

The attendant straightened, scratched her head, and checked the road behind them. “I expected a row of cars. You know, full of bodyguards and reporters.”

“I don’t think she has to worry about paparazzi anymore.” Sydney smirked.

Crystal’s blood heated. The truth stung. Even if she had the money to pay for a bodyguard, she wouldn’t need one. She’d lost mega followers and subscribers on social media. No one tried to sneak candid shots anymore.

The park attendant grabbed a pamphlet from the booth and handed it to Sydney with a big smile. “Here’s a map. Feel free to stop back and ask any questions. We’re excited for y’all to be here.”

Sydney thanked the woman and pulled forward. “Trevor is meeting us at the campsite for the opening shoot. I hope the cameras are all set up because I need him to capture your arrival. If not, I’ll have to help him again like the last time when he was running behind.”

“Don’t look at me,” Crystal replied. “I only know one side of the lens.”

“I wasn’t holding my breath, hoping for your assistance.” Sydney’s cheeks puffed.

They crossed a long bridge over the lake with water rippling on both sides. Random small boats peppered the shoreline as fishermen cast near the rocks. What fish was worth baking in the sun and bouncing around in the water all day? No thanks. Plated and served was more Crystal’s style.

She gazed at the woods on either side of the single-lane road beyond the bridge and shook her head. “Why don’t we save us all some time and turn around? This is too remote.”

“You haven’t even seen the camp yet.”

“I’ve seen enough.” Crystal dusted her hands of the place. “Go back. We’re done here.”

Sydney hit the brakes and turned to Crystal, her face bright red. “I’ve had it with you. I busted my ass for four years to work my way up to producer, and this is my big chance. I’m not about to let some washed-up child star living off her past celebrity status blow it. The contract says the company picks the site, not you. Got it?”

Crystal’s throat constricted. Damn. She hadn’t read the contract. That’s why she had an agent, who should have told her about the stipulation.