Crystal’s pulse quickened. Two cups of coffee weren’t near enough fuel to deal with the guy. She faced Sydney. “How are we going to make this show if you can’t film him?”

“When he’s in the area working, Trevor will keep him off camera. Zach shouldn’t interact with you much. He’s not supposed to help you unless there’s a safety issue.”

Crystal snorted. That might be everything she did from the size of his list.

Zach hopped out of his vehicle and grabbed a clipboard from the back. Crystal’s gaze stalled on his tight butt as he bent over the fender. Heat brewed low in her belly. The man infuriated her and so did her schoolgirl responses to him. She cursed under her breath and focused on her feet, making sure she stood in an ant-free zone.

When Zach’s boots thumped in front of her, she glanced up.

“Are you kidding me?” He thwacked the clipboard against his thigh. “Still wearing a miniskirt and halter top? Did you listen to anything I said last time? Read the manual I sent?”

Crystal’s nerves ignited at his patronizing tone. He had no right to treat her like a child. Did he have any idea what it felt like to be talked down to like some newbie? She had a reputation to restore and had to look the part.

She pointed to her feet. “Closed-toed heels, standing on the cement slab. What more do you want?”

He pinched the bridge of his nose, causing his biceps to bulge, and her traitorous eyes to stare at it. She shivered and ran her tongue across her lips.

A breeze blew, and his head snapped up. “Are you wearing perfume?”

“Yeah. It’s my signature scent, Desire.” A fan favorite before her popularity had plummeted and her sales followed. Her shoulders tensed. She needed to win back her popularity. One and done with this stupid reality show, and hopefully she’d get her life back.

“No perfume. It attracts animals.”

“Apparently not bears.” She couldn’t resist.

“What?” Zach blew out a breath. “Never mind. Bottom line is we follow rules here. I can’t have other people in danger from your reckless behavior.”

“If you think wearing perfume is risky, you must not know much about danger. Might want to get out more and see what real threats are in the world.”

He stilled. A vein ticked under his jaw.

“We don’t want to take up anymore of your time, Zach. What do you need from us?” Sydney asked.

He continued to face Crystal for a long moment, then snatched the paperwork from his clipboard and handed it to Sydney. “This is a list of the supplies and camping equipmentwe’ve provided. Brody invoiced and billed the production company. I need your signature.”

“Sure.” Sydney signed the sheet.

Zach kept his focus on Sydney and pointed to the two vacant tent sites. “The campers coming here this week know about the film and signed waivers. We’ve sectioned off this area so the day-trippers won’t get in the way. If anyone from the set goes outside of here, though, all bets are off.”

“Understood.” Sydney nodded.

He turned and walked away, his back rigid.

What a jerk. Crystal’s temper simmered. “Hey.”

Zach stopped and turned. “You talking to me?”

“Yup.” She tapped her foot on the ground. “I haven’t done anything to deserve your rude, dismissive behavior. You’re giving southern people a bad reputation.”

His nostrils flared, and he arched an eyebrow. With a slight shake of his head, he continued toward his UTV.

She huffed out a breath and dug her nails into her palms. No one dismissed her like that. Asshole. Maybe since he didn’t want them there, he’d avoid her and make life easier. The less she dealt with him, the better.

Chapter Six

Zach grabbed the tools he needed from the side-by-side and headed to the campsite next to Crystal’s pad. Damn his brothers for rejecting his plan and signing on the show. Now he had to deal with the ditz for two months. That comment about him knowing nothing about danger burned him up.

He glanced up from the spigot he needed to fix.