Page 58 of Rock Bottom Romance

Right now, she couldn’t think. All she could do was feel, which sucked because she felt like shit. Maybe once she explained to Zach that Sydney was serious about suing his family, he’d understand why Crystal had told him to leave.

The scent of grilled hamburgers drifted into her tent, and her stomach growled. When was the last time she’d eaten? She sure wasn’t up for making a fire tonight, so dinner would be an apple and granola bar.

Resting her head against the tent, she closed her eyes and must have drifted off because a voice startled her.

“Hello? It’s Mary.”

Crystal blinked a couple of times and stood. She unzipped the flap. Mary, holding a foil-covered plate, gazed at her, concern flickering in her eyes. “I heard what happened today and wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“Yes. Just tired. But thanks for checking on me.”

“Of course.” Mary held the plate out. “I figured you’d be too tired to cook, and we have plenty. I hope you can take this?”

Technically, Crystal shouldn’t take the food. Too bad. It had been a hell of a day, and she didn’t care at this point. “Thank you. I’m starving.”

“Remember, we’re right next door if you need anything.” Mary patted Crystal’s arm.

She left and Crystal opened the foil. A cheeseburger and baked beans. Nothing had ever smelled better.

After her attempts at campfire cooking, she’d never take another dinner for granted. Not wanting to look like a total fool, the first meal she’d made had been canned chili and green beans. She’d pulled off heating it up, though, and had even eaten the food.

The panfish was better but still a far cry from the sushi, salads, and grilled seafood she used to be served. It felt like such a distant past, always dining at the best restaurants, attendingparties, and celebrity shoots. Yet, everyone just circulated in the crowd, posed for pictures, and nibbled. All a facade.

Here on this island, people were real. They cared. Erin, Mary, Zach, Levi, the list went on. Meanwhile, back in Hollywood, she didn’t know a single person who wasn’t focused on themselves.

If this show and her influencer status regained her popularity, did she even want to go back there? It was all she’d known, but she was having second thoughts. How happy had she really been, surrounded by people who only cared about being in the limelight? They’d shunned her when her numbers had tanked.

Right now, Crystal had to find a way to make money again, and this was her ticket, so the show must go on.

Footsteps approached, and she stiffened. Please, not Zach again.

“Hey,” Angie called.

Great. Still, better than Zach.

Crystal went to the door. “Yeah?”

Angie’s gaze flitted over Crystal’s clothing. She scoffed. “Guess you didn’t post any promos on this outfit today.”

“Been busy. What do you want?” Crystal had zero patience at this point for a critique from a rude teenager.

Angie tossed a bag at her. “Mary forgot this. She thinks I’m a delivery service or something. It’s from my loser brother. He made brownies.”

Crystal’s temper snapped. That sweet boy wanted to share his food with her. And this brat insisted on calling her mother Mary? How hurtful.

“I don’t know what your problem is, but you’re downright mean to your little brother. What did he ever do to you?”

Angie’s lips curled. “Exist.”

She swung around and tramped back to her camp.

That poor family had their hands full. This day had imploded. Crystal sat on the floor and finished off the meal, her belly satisfied and full.

After a shower, she dressed in pants and a long-sleeved shirt. She hung the whistle over her head and checked her phone. All charged up. She should have plenty of flashlight power to make it to Zach’s.

The sun had set, and the woods turned dark. She slipped out of her tent and headed into the forest, her pulse quickening. She stumbled over branches and roots until she was out of camera range.

She swiped on her phone flashlight and stood still, waiting for her eyes to adjust.