Page 57 of Rock Bottom Romance

Unbelievable. She admitted she didn’t give a crap that Crystal might have died. Her knuckles whitened as she squeezed the pole harder. What kind of person would say such a thing?

Sydney growled, “The next time he meddles, I’m going to sue him and the family for breach of contract.”

Oh no. Crystal broke out in a sweat, and her knees quivered. Erin had told Crystal their business was struggling. This park meant everything to that sweet woman and her family. A lawsuit might bankrupt them.

“You’ve threatened that before. You won’t.”

“Yes, I will. I’d do it now except there are witnesses to him saving you. He won’t be so lucky next time.”

Crystal glared at her. “What if I walk off the set?”

“You do andyou’llbe in breach of contract. You can’t afford to fight a legal battle or lose this gig.”

The muscles in Crystal’s neck bunched. It wouldn’t help Zach or his brothers if filming stopped. They were counting on the income. She’d have to finish the show.

Sydney took a step closer and wagged a finger in Crystal’s face. “I warned Brody and Zach. If he ends up on camera again with you, he’ll see us in court.”

She stomped toward her car, and Crystal ground her teeth.

Sydney spun wheels out of the lot, kicking up dirt.

Crystal entered the tent, sank to the floor, and sighed.

She glanced at her damp shirt and stained pants. Better dirt than blood. With a shudder, she hugged her knees. That had been too close. She’d never forget the sheer panic of having nothing to grab and falling. If Zach hadn’t snatched her from midair, she’d be a lifeless lump at the bottom of the tree.

Footsteps approached. Zach’s voice rang out. “Crystal? Just checking to see if you’re okay.”

She jumped and clasped her hands together. Damn it. What if Sydney was watching?

He’d been warned to stay away. Why was he coming to her tent? Trevor’s stationary cameras would catch him on film. Crystal couldn’t go out and talk to him. If she told him she’dexplain later, they’d hear it and know she planned to see him again.

She had to get him to leave.


“Crystal? Answer me. I’m getting worried.”

So was she. He wasn’t taking Sydney seriously, a big mistake.

Squeezing her eyes shut, Crystal called out, “I’m fine, but I can’t talk now. Please leave.”

For a long moment, the only sounds came from the forest. Bird calls, leaves rustling, the roar of boats on the lake.

She pressed her lips together and held her breath. Hard as it was, she had to wait this out. It wasn’t the time or place to talk with the cameras filming.

At last, she heard the crunch of his retreating footsteps.

When her pounding heart slowed and her tense muscles loosened, she buried her head in her hands and let tears flow. Zach had been heroic, kind, and supportive. When she’d asked him about ever being scared, he’d shared something private. He had no idea how much that meant to her. No wonder he hadn’t been excited about them filming on his campgrounds. If he suffered from PTSD, he’d never want the crews, cameras, and chaos.

They’d all overrun his camp today, and now his family’s business might be in jeopardy. She had to explain why she’d told him to leave. He deserved a huge apology and a thank you.

In person.

She’d try to catch him at home later. His place wasn’t too far, and she’d take her whistle.

No proof it didn’t work on bears. Just not on Bear.

She shook her head at the craziness of the whole encounter. That man yelling, “bear,” and the big, black animal running toward her. What else was she supposed to think?