Page 55 of Rock Bottom Romance

Crystal swallowed. “Yes, I did. And I got up here fast.”

“No doubt. That’s a story I’d like to hear later.”

She glanced at the ladder. “I’m terrified of letting go of you to get on there.”

“You’ll be okay. They know what they are doing.”

She rested her head on his shoulder. “How come you’re never scared of anything?”

“Who ever said that?”

“No one. Just saying I’ve never seen you frightened.”

More like he neverletanyone see that side. If she only knew how terrified he was of losing it.

She lifted her head. “Tell me one thing you’re afraid of.”

His vocal cords tightened. He never talked about this, but she seemed to need to hear that even he had insecurities. “Flashbacks. I’ve had some tough times since my tour. So yeah, I have fears too.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. That must be hard.” Her lower lip came out and she rubbed his back, still clinging to him. “Thanks for sharing. I was starting to think you were Superman.”

If so, Zach’s kryptonite was his memory.

The firefighter, near now, called out some instructions.

Crystal hesitated.

Zach squeezed her. “You got this.”

“Okay. You’re right.”

As panicked as she was, she got a hold of herself and followed directions. Maybe hearing he had an Achille’s heel had helped. When she was secured on the ladder, Zach heaved a sigh. His pulse still raced from the aftermath of the adrenaline rush.

Crystal gazed at him and gave a thumbs up.

He nodded.

She mouthed “Thank you,” and his heart rocked.

The firefighter said something about coming back for him. He shook his head, knowing he’d be fine to climb down on his own.

And then it all hit him.

The flashing lights from all the emergency vehicles. The close call that could have meant Crystal’s life. The once-safe haven of his camp had turned into the circus he’d tried so hard to avoid.

He forced himself to go mission cold as the all-too-familiar feelings welled up inside. No way he’d have an episode perchedin the tree and surrounded by people. He climbed down, fast and hard.

Brody stood next to Sydney. He must have driven up at some point.

As soon as Zach’s feet touched the ground, Sydney launched into him. “Why are you always interfering? Keep out of our show or it’s going to cost you. We can’t use a lot of this because of your superhero shit.”

That word again. Great. And in front of Brody, no less.

Sydney stomped toward the ambulance where Crystal was being checked out.

Zach braced himself, prepared for the inevitable onslaught from his big brother.

Brody shifted and cleared his throat. “You okay?”