Page 54 of Rock Bottom Romance

He ignored her and focused on Crystal.

Limb after limb, he scaled the tree. “Hold on and breathe. I’m coming for you.”

“Wh-what? Zach?”

Her shrill, thin voice told him all he needed to know, and he climbed faster, sure-footed on the branches. “Hang on.”

At last, he reached the limb below her. Her pale, sweaty face spoke for itself. Her breath was shallow, and her legs shook.

“You’re going to be okay. Look at me.”

She gulped air and glanced down at him. Her wide eyes lasered in on his.

“Good. That’s good.” Sweat slicked his back. Her foggy gaze meant she was in trouble.

“The fire ants. The phenamores. They’re attacking me.” She frantically swiped at her arm.

She meant pheromones, but that wasn’t the point right now. “Stop flailing and calm down.”

“I can’t. They’re everywhere.” She brushed her arm, lost her grip on the tree trunk, and slipped off the branch.

As if in slow-motion, the next second stretched out, defying real time. Her mouth gaped as she let out a shriek, arms windmilling as she tried to grab onto anything solid.

Following pure instinct, he locked his arm over the limb above and caught her, pinning her body to him.

Damn, that had been too close. Adrenaline pumped through him, and he planted his legs, keeping a tight grip on her.

“I got you. You’re okay. Don’t move.”

More lights flashed below as the fire truck pulled up, along with an ambulance.

Relief flooded him. He could carry her down if she wasn’t so freaked. Best to stay put.

Her heart pounded against his chest, and she clung to him, shaking.

“Trust me, and try to relax,” he whispered against her ear.

She shuddered and took a long breath.

“That’s good. Now let that out slowly.” He kept a tight grip on her.

The rescue team below called out instructions, and he answered back. He’d keep her safe until they brought up the ladder.

“I don’t want the ants to get you.” She wriggled.

He hugged her tighter. “Stay still. They aren’t fire ants. We’re both fine.”

She wasn’t making any sense. Only it made perfect sense. Sometimes people focused on the lesser of two evils to keep their minds off imminent danger.

“The firefighters are here with a ladder. They’re coming to help you down.” He eyed the woman standing at the top of the ladder as it raised.

Crystal bit her lip. “I can’t get on that. I’m scared.”

“No need to be. They’re professionals. You got this.”

“I do?”

“Damn straight. You’re a rock star. You climbed this sucker. Getting down is the easy part.” He nodded to the firefighter, who’d come closer.