Page 47 of Rock Bottom Romance

“Does he have PTSD?” Maybe that would explain some of his behaviors. The need for control and following all the safety rules.

“He wouldn’t want me talking about it. Maybe just cut him some slack if he’s testy at times.”

Crystal’s heart hurt as she pictured the photos of Zach growing up with huge grins. He sure didn’t smile much now.

Levi drove past the gate. “I’m taking you to Zach’s, right?”

“Yeah, but the sooner I leave there, the better. I don’t know what to do. I’m supposed to help him paint tomorrow night. I won’t let your mother down.” But Crystal couldn’t imagine spending more one-on-one time with him after the night’s catastrophe.

Levi pulled into Zach’s driveway. “Don’t you think you two should try to kiss and make up?”

She shook her head fast and hard. “No. I’m not going to be here much longer. There’s no point. Tonight was a big mistake, and now it’s an awkward mess, but I’ll figure it out. I appreciate the ride and didn’t mean to dump on you.”

“You’re not dumping.” Levi waved a hand. “Truth is, I was jerking Zach’s chain with that offer of a ride. I thought a little competition might help.”


“I told you he has a thing for you. I figured he’d get jealous.” Levi shrugged.

“That backfired. He leaped at the chance to get rid of me. He doesn’t want me around,” Crystal said.

“I think you’re wrong about that.”

“Even if I am, after what you just told me, all I can do is hurt him. I have nothing long-term to offer.” She brushed a hand down her pants and willed her breath not to catch. “Unless I’m wrong, neither of us is looking for a fling, and the closer we get, the harder it will be on both of us when I leave. Am I right?”

Levi closed his eyes and nodded. “Yeah, I guess you are.”

“That’s what I figured.” They sat in silence for a second. Crystal opened the car door. “Thanks again for the ride.”

“Wait.” Levi tugged her sleeve. “I’m not doing anything tomorrow night. I can help Zach paint.”

Crystal’s chest expanded with relief. “You’d do that for me?”

Levi nodded. “For both of you, and Mom.”

“Thanks so much.” Crystal gave his fingers a quick squeeze. “I promise I’ll go back on Friday night to do the detailing. You’re a good friend and brother.”

“Let’s keep that our secret. I have a reputation to maintain.” Levi winked at her.

“Night, Levi.” Crystal stepped out of the car and headed to the house.

“Holy shit,” Levi shouted. “I can’t believe it.”

“What?” Crystal whirled around and took a few steps back.

Levi laughed long and hard. He leaned his head against the steering wheel and held his belly, coming up for air long enough to point to the window AC unit. “He bought a freaking air conditioner.”

“I know. I’m going to pay him—”

“Good luck with that. You have no idea what a big deal this is.” Levi’s eyes lit up and a big grin split his face. “Oh, he’s got it bad for you. This is far from over.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

Zach finished his rounds and stopped the UTV by a quiet part of the lake not far from Crystal’s camp. He’d managed to avoid her for two days. Not hard to do when she was cooped up in his house. She’d texted him earlier that she was well enough to come back to work, so he’d cleared out of her space.

What was he going to do about her? His chest muscles tightened and pinched his ribs. History showed he had zero control around her. He’d kissed her senseless and grabbed her ass in hismother’shouse.

What the hell?