Page 37 of Rock Bottom Romance

“Don’t worry about it.” He held up a hand. “We have bigger fish to fry right now.”

She blinked. “Like what?”

“All these boxes.” He tapped one with his shoe.

She shrugged. “They’re your packages. Put them wherever you want.”

“Not mine,yours. And there’s more.” He went back outside, grabbed the other cartons, and plopped them next to the first pile.

Crystal’s eyes popped wide and she bent, reading the labels. “I didn’t buy anything. I have no idea why I’m getting deliveries.”

“They have your name on them. I’m sure you’re used to ordering all kinds of things out there in Hollywood, but this is a campground. Brody said he’s going to refuse deliveries if you don’t make arrangements to get them. There’s no space for—”

“I know there’s no room for these. I’m telling you, I didn’t order anything.” Her brow wrinkled. “Hmm…companies must be sending me merchandise now to market, I guess.”

“To market?” What was she talking about?

Crystal shrugged. “I’ve been posting pictures and my followers are picking up. Have you seen my social media numbers?”

His brain hurt. “No. I don’t have any accounts. I run a campground, remember? And did the production company even give you permission to do this?”

“Yes. Sydney seems excited it will bring more attention to the show. I think I might be on my way to becoming an influencer.”

“An influencer?”

Crystal nodded. “Yes, it’s someone who promotes products, and their followers buy them. I’m helping businesses.”

“Virtuous.” Zach rubbed his forehead. He had no idea what to make of someone being an “influencer.” His exasperation over the whole situation reached its limit.

“Don’t diss it. The results have been good. Now, we really need to talk about this air conditioner.”

“No, we don’t. You aren’t paying me for it. I bought it for the house.”

“But you wouldn’t have if I wasn’t here.”

“I’m not going to argue with you. The subject is closed.” If he didn’t step outside, his head would explode. “I need to check on some things. I’ll be back.”

He jogged down the front porch steps and headed to the woods. He stopped, ran a hand down his face, and sucked in the sweet scent of wildflowers. This he could relate to.

Influencers, not so much. Why did people need other people to tell them what to buy? Her world made no sense. And how did Crystal know the window unit was new? He grunted. That’s right. His mother had been there. Of course, she must have told Crystal. Those two were getting way too chatty. No way he’d take any money for it. Crystal would only be there for a couple of days.

He hiked for a bit, and as always, nature calmed his frayed nerves.

On the walk back to the house, the conversation he’d overheard between Sydney and Trevor kept echoing in his head.That was more important than the packages and the influencer shit. He had to tell Crystal. She wasn’t going to like hearing it, but she needed to know.

He entered to find Crystal strolling across the family room in hiking boots, staring down at her feet.

“These are a little big. I think they’ll work if I wear an extra pair of socks, though. They feel amazing.”

Zach glanced at the high-end boots. No kidding. They should, for what they cost. He recognized the brand and knew the value of paying for decent gear. But she was in this for the short term, not ten years. His gaze traveled along her toned legs as she circled the room. Her sassy strut and the delight in her eyes made his blood warm. Damn it. He responded to her even when he was annoyed.

All sorts of paraphernalia cluttered the kitchen table. Hats with ribbons around them, patterned socks, some sort of shawl, and various bottles that might be mosquito repellant.

“I called Sydney while you were gone. Tell Brody she’ll pick up any deliveries and keep them at the villa.” Crystal shrugged. “I mean, she’s going to actually keep them. It’s the deal we made. I can use the products for my posts, but she’ll own them afterwards.”

Zach cocked his head. “That doesn’t seem fair.”

“Eh, increasing my following is what’s important, and making some money from my influencer posts, not the actual stuff.”