Page 36 of Rock Bottom Romance

“Apparently, she thinks she has a say, and I’m not telling her otherwise or she might stop doing dumb stuff. That’s what people want to see. It’s on her if she didn’t read the contract.”

A wave of shock ripped through Zach’s body. Holy shit. The production company planned to show all those humiliating scenes Crystal said she’d never authorize. Hadn’t her agent explained this to her?

Considering she’d shoved his safety manual back at him, saying it was too long, she probably hadn’t read the contract either.

The tips of his ears turned hot. He had to warn her. Maybe there was something she could do about it.

Brody came out of the building, frowned at a pile of boxes, and shook his head. Did the guy evernothave a scowl on his face?

“What’s going on?” asked Zach.

Brody waved at the stack. “These are all addressed to Crystal. You need to take them to her, because I don’t have room. Levi already dropped something off yesterday for her.”

Zach frowned. Why on earth would she order so much stuff when living in a tent?

Irritation crept up his spine.

Of course, she wouldn’t know how to be a minimalist. She had no place to keep all the crap, either. He’d have a word with her because he sure as shit wouldn’t be the campground delivery service.

“Sydney paid me a visit, and she’s not too happy.” Brody picked up a box and took it to the UTV. “She said you keep interfering, and it’s causing production delays and loss of footage. They’re threatening to withhold money to offset their costs. What the hell are you doing at the camp?”

Zach hoisted another box onto the pile. “Crystal is a hazard to herself. I’m trying to keep her safe.”

“Well, what’s she doing at your place? Sydney was pissed that Crystal is offsite. It shuts production down until she’s back.”

As always, Brody’s questions got under Zach’s skin. “They didn’t have any cool place for her to stay. She’s under doctor’s orders, so I worked something out. It’s not costing them anything.”

“That’s not true. It’s wasted time, and they’re paying for accommodations while no work is done. You need to stay out of the way.”

Typical Brody, dishing out orders. Zach’s temper flared, and his face burned. “I voted against having them here. I knew there’d be problems, but you and Levi don’t have to deal with them. You need to stay out of my business because the camp is my territory.”

“Well, we can’t afford to be in breach of contract, so knock off all this superhero shit and let them finish already.”

“Superhero shit? What’s that supposed to mean?” Zach narrowed his eyes.

“You tell me. I’ve never seen you act like this with any other camper.”

Levi came around the corner of the building. “Do I need to put you two in time-out? What are you arguing about now?”

“Nothing.” Brody and Zach said at the same time.

Levi smirked. “Right.” He glanced at the boxes piled up on the UTV. “Are these for Crystal?”

“Yeah, and Zach, tell her we’re going to start refusing packages unless she figures out a way to get them herself and store them. This wasn’t part of the deal,” Brody said.

“Fine by me.” Zach climbed into the vehicle, started it, and pulled out, revving the engine. Damn that Brody. Superhero shit? What a crock.

But was it? Maybe Brody’s shot had hit a little too close to the bullseye. Zach did feel the need to protect Crystal, and he’d never hosted any other campers at his home.

The warm wind fueled the frustration burning inside. Everything about this reality show had been nothing but problems. Crystal was a hot mess with no idea what she was doing, and now she was staying at his house and racking up inventory.

He pulled into his driveway. Carrying two boxes, he pushed open the door and deposited them on the floor. He still fumedabout the stupid deliveries and even more about being called out by Brody.

Crystal came out from the kitchen. “Your mom was here. She left to take casseroles to Levi and Brody. I didn’t expect to see you so soon, but I’m glad you stopped by because we need to talk about this air conditioner you just bought.”

“Why? Is it not working?” The room felt cool.

“It’s fine, but I feel terrible that you got it for me. I’m going to pay you back for it. I mean—”