Page 35 of Rock Bottom Romance


Erin bustled inside, carrying the dish. “I bring the guys a meal every week. Can’t rely on them to cook for themselves. Not healthy, anyway.”

She set the baking pan on the counter, then glanced up and gasped. “Whoa. I can’t believe my eyes.”

“What? Is something wrong?”

Bringing a hand to her chest, she crossed the room and stood in front of the AC unit. “I thought it felt cooler in here. Alert the presses. I can’t believe Zach bought an air conditioner.”

“Wait. This is new?” Crystal bit her lip. No way. Please, no way, no way, no way. She couldn’t stand the thought that he’d spent money and installed it just for her.

“Do you know how long I’ve been trying to get him to buy one of these? This place is hot as the blazes in the summer, and he’s always refused. Until now.”

“I don’t know what to say. I’ve never even been here. I assure you—”

“Relax.” Erin laughed. “It’s the best ever. He wouldn’t get it for himself.”

“I promise I’ll pay him for this as soon as I can.” Humiliation washed over Crystal. Her face might never cool down.

“Don’t you dare.” Erin strode to Crystal and touched her shoulder. “He’ll get paid back. I never used to stay here long because of the heat. Now I can visit longer.”

“I’m sure he’ll be happy about that.”

“He’d never admit it.” A mischievous smile lit Erin’s face. “You, my dear, are special. I never saw this coming, but it explains why he’s been grumpier than usual.”

Crystal frowned. “I seem to put him in a bad mood.”

“It’s temporary. Trust me. He’s just figuring things out.”

Erin hummed as she went back into the kitchen. She pulled the foil off the casserole. “This is vegetable lasagna made from my garden. Make sure you have some. Can’t be cooking when you’re all hot and swollen.” She pointed to a loaf of bread next to a toaster oven. “I baked that yesterday. Help yourself.”

A lump formed in Crystal’s throat. This woman was so caring and kind. She’d just met Crystal and was treating her like family. And how nice it must be to have someone bring over homemade meals and fresh-baked bread every week. Did Levi, Brody, and Zach have any idea how lucky they were?

“Oh, I almost forgot to tell you.” Erin held up a finger. “I looked into using the farm as a wedding venue, and you’re right. It’s trending, and there’s real money to be made. I sure wish I could hire you to do the marketing and decor.”

“Thanks. I’d love that kind of job. But—”

“I know you won’t be here. I appreciate you giving me this idea. I’ll figure something out.”

Erin’s phone rang. “Hmm. I better answer this. Excuse me.” She walked down the hallway.

Crystal couldn’t help but overhear her in the small quarters.

“Oh, well…yes…of course. I mean, I understand. Yes, I still want you to come. This weekend will be f-fine,” Erin said in a shaky voice.

Crystal cocked her head and grimaced.

Erin sounded stressed. Who had she been talking to?

Chapter Sixteen

Zach swung by the park office and hopped out of the UTV.

He’d passed Sydney and Trevor, who stood talking on the side of the building, out of sight now. He paused at the sound of their voices coming from around the corner.

“We’re really getting behind, and now she’s not even on the set,” Sydney said.

“It’s not as bad as you think. Don’t forget we have all those earlier scenes. Why does Crystal keep saying she won’t approve certain shots?” Trevor asked.