Page 34 of Rock Bottom Romance

When they entered, he flicked on the lights. “It’s a small place.”

He wasn’t kidding. The tiny kitchen had a counter between the eating area and family room. Not much furniture. A wooden table with four chairs, a loveseat, and a TV on a nightstand filled the sparce space.

Cold air blew from a window AC unit, and Crystal ran to it and put her face in front of the vents. “This feels so good.”

“Yeah. Staying cool should help your condition. That has a thermostat. Adjust it how you want, and the fan in the hall will blow air into the bedroom.” He pointed down the hallway. “That’s straight ahead, bathroom on the right. I’ll leave this cream on the table. You need anything before I go?”

He seemed like he couldn’t get out of there fast enough. Looking at her had to be a hardship. “No, thanks. You’ve done more than enough already.”

“All right, then.” He reached for the door and paused. “Just to warn you, my mother might stop by. She has a habit of doing that.”

“No problem. Should I text you if she does?”

“Nah. She has radar or something because she always finds me and my brothers.” He shook his head and shrugged as if embarrassed.

Crystal smiled. No hiding from Mom. And that thought sank her spirits. She had plenty of experience in that department.

Zach left, and she dragged her suitcase to the bedroom.Hisbedroom. His unique scent of musk and pine lingered in the room. She’d be breathing that in all night. The intimacy of sleeping in his bed made her shiver, and she turned her attention to something more neutral.

Bookshelves above the cherry wood dresser held hardbacks for the most part, history and war related. Fiction and nonfiction. Made sense given his military service.

Among the books was a leather photo album. Was it nosy to look inside? Maybe it would give her some insight on Zach, because the man was locked up tighter than Fort Knox.

She slid the book off the shelf and sat on the edge of the bed. When she opened the first page, she grinned at the pictures. Zach had to be about seven in the first one. He and his brothers aimed squirt guns at each other, their swim trunks dripping wet. As she flipped through the book, the boys grew older, but Zach always had a face-splitting grin. She paused at a shot of him smeared with mud, standing next to a man who might be his father, given the age and resemblance.

Zach gazed up at the man, whose hand lay on Zach’s head like he’d been tousling his hair. Crystal’s eyes watered. Whoever had taken the picture had captured the pure love between the two. A gentle smile curved the man’s mouth, and laugh lines spread from the corner of his eyes. Zach’s face beamed with adoration.

No one had ever looked at Crystal that way. Hell, she’d never even met her father. She swallowed and flipped another page.

Near the end of the book, she stopped at an image of him on the tarmac, dressed in a camouflage uniform, his arm around an attractive brunette. Her head rested against his shoulder, and she bore a faint, somber smile. Had to be a girlfriend.

A pang of jealousy ran through Crystal. It appeared this woman was no longer with Zach, but what had she lost, and did he have regrets?

Crystal shook her head. They might have had a happy life together. She turned the last page. It held a picture of someone pinning a medal onto Zach’s uniform.

With a sigh, she shut the book and placed it back on the shelf.

She had more questions than answers now about Zach. One thing was for sure, he’d grown up loved.

Someone knocked on the door, and Crystal went to answer it. Erin stood on the stoop holding a vase with roses.

“Oh my goodness. That is a bad case of poison ivy. You poor thing.” She handed the flowers to Crystal. “Zach mentioned you were staying here, and I thought these might brighten up the place. He’s not much on decorating. I picked them fresh from my bushes.”

Crystal’s heart lifted at the unexpected kindness. “Thank you. This is so sweet.”

“Are you feeling okay?”

She nodded. “Much better since the shot and the cream.”

“The boys had this many times growing up. You’ll be fine. It takes a few days, though. Hang in there. I didn’t see Zach’s UTV. He’s not here?”

“No. He left a little while ago and is going to stay at my camp until I’m better.”

“Not a problem. I’ll find him.”

Without a doubt. Crystal grinned and opened the door wider. “Would you like to come in?”

“Sure, but I have to grab the casserole first.” Erin turned and headed toward her car.