Page 18 of Rock Bottom Romance

“Zach won’t even talk to me now.”

“Does that bother you?”

“Yeah.” Why? She didn’t want Zach around in the first place. All he did was criticize her, so she should be happy he took off. And she could do without the physical reactions she had to him. Only that betrayed look on his face haunted her.

“I know how to cheer you up.” Levi reached into a pouch behind the seat and pulled out a package of Twizzlers. “Want a piece?”

Crystal smiled. “What are you, the candy man?”

“Hey, sugar works.” Levi grinned and handed her a rope. He whipped a Twizzler in the air and leaned against the motorcycle. “You know, Zach has a thing for you.”

Crystal’s stomach flipped. That couldn’t be true. All they did was argue all the time. Yet, he still managed to make her pulse race and her breath unsteady whenever they were together.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. He doesn’t even like me, much less have a thing for me. I think he was mad about me suggesting I wore your clothes. That doesn’t even make sense. Why would he care?”

Levi shook his head and sighed. “He’s not easy to explain, but you might want to give him a chance.”

“I’m hoping I’ll get that opportunity at your mom’s.”

“One thing you can count on is Zach never disappoints Mom. He’ll be there. Sorry about the way things worked out today too, but it was kinda fun to poke the bear.”

Crystal squinched her face. What did that mean?

“Anything else you want to talk about? I’m all ears.”

“No. I think I’ve said enough, but thanks.”

Levi gestured to the motorcycle, and she climbed on. They drove a short distance to a blue cottage with a farm stand by the road. A painted wooden sign with pictures of peaches, tomatoes, cucumbers, and squash read, “Fresh Produce.”

Crystal pointed to the table. “I guess this is your mom’s?”

“Yup. She’s quite the gardener.”

A woman came out of the house onto the screened porch, carrying a watering can. She wore overalls, a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and a baseball cap. She smiled. “Hi, Levi. Who’s your friend?”

Levi trotted up the steps and hugged her. “Mom, this is Crystal, the star of that reality show they’re filming on the island.”

“Welcome, I’m Erin.” She wrapped an arm around Crystal and side-hugged her.

Talk about southern hospitality. Crystal awkwardly patted Erin’s back.

Erin released her. “I hear you’re in the show filming here. I’m sorry, but I don’t watch much television. Early to bed, early to rise around here.”

Crystal’s ego took a direct hit, and her lungs deflated. She reached the new low of being thrilled that someone’s mother was still a fan, only to find out not so much.

“What’s wrong, Crystal? You look like somebody just mowed down your petunia patch.” Erin set down the watering can and peered up at her, her brown eyes radiating warmth and concern.

Crystal’s throat swelled. Her mother had never looked at her that way. Always bleary-eyed from drugs or alcohol. Crystal shook it off and sent the feelings packing. Something she had plenty of practice doing.

“I’m fine.” She elbowed Levi. “Big fan?”

Levi winced. “Sorry, but I wanted you to come tonight.”


Zach pulled into the driveway on his UTV and shut off the engine. He glanced up at them. His chest rose and fell before he launched out of the vehicle, grabbed a silver tarp from the back, and disappeared around the side of the house.

Levi snatched his phone from his belt and frowned at the screen. “There’s a problem at the marina. I need to run.”