Page 16 of Rock Bottom Romance

Chapter Eight

Zach finished his morning survey loop of the park and stopped near Crystal’s campsite. None of the other campers had had any issue with the storm last night. Just defiant Crystal, who’d decided to pitch a tent at the bottom of a hill.

It would have served her right to be miserable in cold, wet clothes until the temps heated up, but that was not the way he ran his camp. He helped whoever needed a hand.

The producers might have more humiliating footage of Crystal if anything on their cameras was of use. He’d waited as long as he could for her to get back from the motorcycle ride to talk to her yesterday but had run out of time. At this point, what did it matter that Trevor had footage of Crystal’s thong when she’d fallen? She had to realize they would continue filming her mishaps. Clearly, that was what she signed up for and didn’t care.

He frowned. That flash of lightning and thunderous boom had scared the shit out of Crystal. The urge to protect and comfort her had kicked in. And when she’d gripped him and pressed her freezing cold body against him, he’d held her closer.

Damn, she got under his skin. What was it about her? She’d argue with him about the color of mud just for the sake of it. And scared as she was about the wild animals and storms, she’d still pushed back when he’d tried to help her. It hadn’t been until he’d carried her up the hill that she’d let go of the fake bravado and showed her vulnerable side.

She’d sure doubled down once he’d let go of her.

Zach froze. He shut his eyes and pressed a finger to his forehead. When was the last time a boom of thunder hadn’t shaken him to the core? Any sound that resonated like a bomb going off triggered him.

Maybe he’d been so engaged in mission-mode, trying to help her, that he hadn’t reacted.

He took a deep breath and hopped into his side-by-side. No time to think about this stuff, he had a job to do.

He parked behind the restroom to stay off the cameras, and emptied a dumpster, chucking the trash bags into his trailer when Sydney arrived. Crystal entered his line of vision as she sauntered across the lot in front of the bathroom, wearing his T-shirt and sweatpants. She’d rolled up the cuffs, cinched the waist with some sort of hair clip, and tied a knot in the front of his T-shirt.

Something stirred in his belly at the sight of her in his clothes. He’d been sure she’d toss them aside. No fashion statement in that outfit, and yet she somehow pulled it off.

She still wore those dreaded flip-flops, and his mouth curved into a smile despite himself.

Stubborn woman.

Zach grabbed his pesticide sprayer and began treating the area.

Sydney got out of the car and marched to Crystal. “What the hell went on this morning? Zach was on the site. We can’t use the recording, and that was good stuff.”

His throat burned. Good stuff? Those assholes didn’t give a rat’s ass about whether Crystal might have been hurt. They only wanted to capture as many humiliating and embarrassing gaffes as they could.

Crystal tightened the knot on the camo shirt and shrugged. “Zach said it was some sort of safety issue. No idea.”

Sydney snorted. “That’s pushing it.” She gestured to Crystal’s outfit. “Are these men’s clothes? Did Zach give them to you?”

“Another safety issue. Health-related.” Crystal tapped her chest. “I could catch pneumonia and die if I don’t stay warm. That would end the show, and no one wants that to happen.”

Zach grinned. Smart-ass. That was his girl.


Hisgirl? Where the hell had that come from?

A motorcycle revved, and Levi pulled into the lot. “Hey. Checking to see if everyone’s all right after the storm.”

Zach grunted. What a poser. A bit late to the scene.

A slow, calculated smile formed on Sydney’s face. “We’re good. Things just got better.”

The sprayer hissed air, so Zach headed back to the side-by-side to mix up another batch. After he refilled the tank, he rounded the corner of the restroom. Trevor had his back to Zach, with the camera pointing at Crystal and Levi. Sydney had stepped out of the picture.

“Things sure got a little wild here in the storm last night, huh?” Levi leaned against his motorcycle, facing Crystal.

“That’s an understatement. I’ve never been that close to a lightning strike.” Crystal rubbed her arms. “And the rain flooded everything. My clothes are drenched.”

“They’ll dry out fast. And if not, you’re rocking this outfit.” Levi pushed off the motorcycle and tugged the knot Crystal had made in the shirt. “I’d never expect you to look so cute wearing men’s clothes.”