Page 12 of Rock Bottom Romance

Zach waved a hand. “I got it. I’m taking her to the vet at four.”

“She also said something about the nursery.”

“I figured as much.” He shook his head but couldn’t stop the smile that tugged at the corner of his mouth. “Got that too.”

Mom and her flowers. Zach’s heart twinged. That’s what made her happy since his dad had passed. Gardening and her fourteen-year-old cat with one blue eye and one brown. Zach would do whatever it took, even if it meant loading plants on the flat cart and swapping them out every time she changed her mind.

“Ready for a ride?” Levi faced Crystal.

“Sure,” Crystal said. But she cocked her head and kept her gaze on Zach.

“Let’s go, then.”

Trevor moved closer with his camera aimed at her. She climbed onto the motorcycle and wrapped arms around Levi. Her skirt hiked up, exposing more of her toned, creamy thighs.

Zach sucked in a breath as a wave of heat rushed south.

Levi gunned the throttle several times, and Crystal hugged him tighter.

“Wait.” Crystal pulled her phone out and took a selfie of them.

Zach’s patience snapped as his gut wrenched. He yelled over the sound of the motorcycle, “Helmets.”

Levi grinned and called back, “Not required in this state. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of your girl.”

Zach flinched. His girl?

She wasn’t his girl. She wasn’t his anything. She was a pain in the ass. And now she was the new reality show love interest of his younger brother.

Sydney yelled to Trevor, “You got all that, right? The fall and her bare ass in the thong?”

“Hell yeah.” He gave her a thumbs-up. “That’s gonna boost ratings.”

Levi rode off with Crystal, Trevor filming from behind on foot.

Zach’s gut twisted in a sick way. How could Crystal allow herself to be publicly humiliated? He ran a hand down his face and sighed. She had to know people would make fun of her. That tore at him, but it was out of his hands. Still, he should at least tell her how happy Trevor and Sydney were to capture her ass on film.

He’d talk to her as soon as she got back.

Chapter Seven

When Crystal returned from the ride with Levi, Zach was nowhere in sight. Just as well, because she’d had her fill of him for one day. She and Levi had been gone longer than she’d expected, since he had stopped at the marina to show her the place. He’d also been nice enough to offer her the use of his bicycle anytime she wanted. Interesting that he’d quit flirting with her once they’d left the campsite. That was a good thing. She wasn’t there to strike up any romance, and she’d enjoyed the tour.

She checked her social media sites and grinned. The pictures she’d posted of her glam outfit were trending. People asked about her halter top and miniskirt from the first camping day. Where had she bought them and what brand? Then again, others left comments about her Rodeo Drive clothes and mentioned they weren’t camping attire. Either way, everyone seemed eager to see her next post. Hey, at least she had some followers again.

Changing into sneakers, she sighed. The tent needed to be set up before dark. As much fun as she’d had with Levi while they’d motored around the island, thoughts of Zach had kept hi-jackingher brain. She’d been fine loathing him until that comment about his mother and the cat. And something about his smile at the mention of the nursery had gotten to her.

Damn it. He had a heart after all, and hers pinched.

No. The guy was a jerk. She shook her head.

She frowned at the concrete slab. Way too hard. Eying the grassier ground near the lake, she grabbed the tent and stakes. She’d set up closer to the water on the soft sand.

After she hauled the equipment down the slope, she fired up YouTube. She found a video that demonstrated pitching a tent similar to hers. Sweat stung her eyes as she pounded stakes into the hard, clay ground, ripping off a fake nail in the process. So much for soft, sandy soil. She’d have to lose the nails for this gig. Angst over how she’d keep up appearances made her nerves twitch. Good thing she’d done her glam shots earlier.

She smacked a mosquito on her leg. Blood smeared, and she cringed.
