Page 57 of Built Of Steel

Josie had suggested a warm yellow for the walls. It matched well with the wooden pieces and didn’t feel sterile at all. Soothing. “I’ll have to get Josie to design you a moose-covered bandana for when you’re working Moose. It could match the walls and let people know your name. What do you think about that?”

The dog wandered in from the back room to woof softly and licked her hand. “It’s getting real, Moose. I hope I can do it. I’m used to mostly dealing with patients when they’re unconscious. You’re going to help me with the people part, right?”

Moose wagged his huge tail and licked her hand again. “Good boy, Moose. Okay, I’m going to organize the paperwork in case anyone does come in tomorrow and then I’m going to figure out how to work the portable x-ray machine. Do you want to help? And then we have our secret delivery coming in about an hour. You can make friends with the delivery guys.”

Moose turned in a circle a few times and then thumped to the floor by her desk. Apparently he wasn’t interested in any of it.

A few hours later, she’d finished her paperwork and the delivery had arrived and been set up. Lia sat back in her desk chair and stretched. Moose, who had indeed made friends with the delivery guys, yawned and stretched as well.

“It’s about time to pack up. Joe should be here soon. And when we come back in the morning, it’ll be time to work. I hope you’re ready for that. I hope I am too. What if I can’t do the people part, Moose? What if I’m a terrible family doctor?” She brought her hand up to her chest and rubbed it. The typing and paperwork had taken their toll and it was aching.

Her phone buzzed with a text and she smiled when she saw Joe’s name. I’m here and coming in.

He had his own key, but she knew he didn’t want to surprise her by coming in unannounced.

She met him in the waiting room and wrapped her arms around him. “Missed you.”

He squeezed her hard and kissed her hair. “Missed you too. Did you and Moose get everything ready for the morning?”

“We did.”

“How are you feeling? Are you ready?”

She blew out a deep breath. “I think so.”

Joe leaned back and took her shoulders in his hands, then he leaned down to look her directly in the eyes. “Why don’t you sound confident? What’s wrong?”

She smiled. “Once upon a time, no one could read my moods unless I told them what I was feeling.”

He kissed her forehead. “You don’t need that mask anymore because you’re surrounded by people who love you. Tell me what’s wrong.”

Love swamped her and brought tears to her eyes. Joe’s eyes widened and he squeezed her shoulders. “Lia?”

She smiled. “They’re happy tears, I promise. I’m still not used to having so many people around me who care. It’s amazing and sometimes overwhelming.”

“Then why are you worried?”

She took a deep breath. “What if no one wants to be a patient? What if my people skills fail me? I’ve never been good with people. Maybe I can’t do this.”

Joe’s face softened and his hands drifted up to cup her face. “Lia Moreno, you are an amazing human being. The people of this town love you and what you’re doing here. I don’t know how many will need a doctor tomorrow, but I do know that when they do need one, they’re going to be thrilled that it’s someone they know and trust. It’s going to be wonderful, Lia.”

Her heart warmed at his words and the fears flew away. Sure, she’d probably still be nervous, but she promised herself she wouldn’t be afraid.

Moose barked and thumped down the hall to greet Joe, obviously annoyed he hadn’t gone to see him first.

Joe ruffled his fur. “Did you sleep through the pep talks you were supposed to be giving throughout the day? Is that all you did?”

That reminded her of her surprise. “Moose made a couple of new friends today.”

Joe’s eyebrows went up. “Who did he try to lick to death today?”

Lia tugged Joe’s hand and headed for the stairs. “I had a delivery today.”

He followed her. “For upstairs? I thought you were leaving that empty for now.”

“For the most part. But I really wanted to have this one piece.”

She walked into the bedroom and Joe’s sexy chuckle heated her blood. “I approve.”