A shudder ran through her as she realized that it had to be Isaac Simmen. He had found a way to make her vulnerable even when she was surrounded by friends. And he’d used Rachel to do it.
“Here’s the first aid kit.” Owen barrelled into the room, oblivious to the situation and totally focused on his mom. She had to get him back out of the room before Isaac realized he was probably surrounded and the kid would make a good hostage.
“Good job, Owen. Now, go to the bathroom and get me a towel. The biggest one you have. And get it wet for me, really wet. Soak the whole thing, then squeeze it out.”
When he scurried off, she heaved out a breath of relief. She didn’t need the towel. She hoped her friends would be in the other room and would get Owen to safety. Now, she had to stall to give them time to plan. And not let Isaac hurt her or Rachel. “What do you want?”
“I want you to die.”
Lia shuddered again and the knife pricked into her skin. She needed some of Joe’s skills right now. She’d watched him in action back in Atlanta. He’d stayed calm and hadn’t shown any nerves. He’d talked quietly to Sneaks and had treated him with respect.
As a surgeon, she’d had plenty of practice shoving her emotions to the side and relying on her intellect. She hoped that would be enough to help her quell the panic that had her trembling.
Maybe if she talked to him, he’d see her as a real person, not a target. “I need you to let me help, Rachel. She’s a single mom and I can’t let her die.”
The knife flinched against her skin then it moved away an inch. It was probably the same knife he used to stab Rachel and she wondered how clean it was. She also hoped Rachel was as healthy as she appeared.
The stab wound wouldn’t have caused Rachel to pass out and she couldn’t see another wound, so she guessed Isaac had hit her as well. Rachel’s breathing was steady so she hoped he hadn’t caused brain damage. That wasn’t one of Lia’s specialties.
Lia reached for the first aid kit. When the knife pricked her again, she swallowed deep. Maybe talking would keep him calm. Joe hadn’t let silence happen for long with Sneaks. Maybe it would serve to keep them both calmer. “I need to clean the wound and see how badly she’s been injured. You don’t want her little guy to be left all alone. She’s all he has in the world.”
“It doesn’t matter. He has to pay.”
Lia blew out a shaky breath, knowing he meant Joe and not Owen. “Of course it matters. Owen is only seven. He’s too young to cope with something that big.” Which she well knew. She’d been the same age when her mom had walked away because she hadn’t wanted to pay the hospital bill for Lia’s broken leg. “Owen’s a good kid. He likes the yoga classes his mom teaches. He’s a good artist too. Did you see the poster he made in the front window?”
Simmen didn’t stop her when she opened the first aid kit and pulled on some gloves. The astringent in the kit wasn’t operating room grade, but it would have to do.
Rachel shifted and moaned softly. Lia didn’t want her waking up and freaking out about her son. She also didn’t want Simmen to know she was awake.
Having Simmen think the woman he’d attacked might die could work in her favor, but she didn’t think it was worth the risk of either Owen or Rachel hearing that. She wanted to keep the woman calm and steady.
“Rachel’s never done anything to hurt you, Isaac. Neither has Owen. He’s really scared right now. We want him to know I’m taking care of his mom. We want him to know she’s going to be okay.”
The knife wobbled but didn’t cut. “She’s not going to die?” The voice was as wobbly as the knife.
“No. I’m a doctor. I can help stabilize her here, but she needs to get this wound cleaned at a hospital.”
This time, his voice was firmer, angrier. “No. No one leaves until he pays. Where is he?”
That earned her a slice down the side of her neck. She couldn’t help the flinch or the small yelp.
Joe immediately walked into the kitchen, hands up and empty. “I’m right here, Isaac.”
Damn. She hadn’t wanted him to come in. She’d hoped he’d stay away, stay safe, figure out a way to get her out of this. Her eyes flew to his, but he kept his own on Simmen. Joe’s face was calm but his eyes were steel.
An arm wrapped around Lia’s throat and yanked her away from Rachel. She still hadn’t seen the man, but Joe’s words had confirmed it was Isaac Simmen.
A grieving and angry man. One who blamed Joe and wanted him to feel those same emotions.
Isaac hauled Lia to her feet and pulled her back flush against him, using her as a shield. The knife moved slowly around her neck until it was against her throat. It settled on her jugular where it would do the most damage in the shortest amount of time.
Isaac cleared his throat and when he spoke, his voice was flat and determined. “Now it’s your turn. You get to see her die.”
Chapter 18
Nerves Of Steel