Page 44 of Built Of Steel

Moose followed them around the building as they took a tour, both inside and out. They checked the windows and locks, but everything looked good.

Moose sniffed every corner and after they took him out back to do his business, he shuffled over to the doggie bed Kimi had left and plopped down. He was snoring in moments.

Their own makeshift bed was set up by the wall beside the receptionist’s desk. With a sigh, Joe sat with his back against the wall and tugged her down to sit beside him. He tucked his arm around her and she rested her head on his shoulder.

“So, we have a dog the size of a bear.”

Lia laughed. “For the night.” Joe’s huff of laugh had her looking up. “What?”

He grinned. “I think Kimi’s testing us as dog parents.”

Lia looked from Joe to Moose and back. “Really?”

He nodded. “What do you think? How do you feel about owning a dog?”

Her heart bloomed even as the beast in question let out a rumble of gas that had her laughing even as the smell made her groan.

Joe laughed and they leaned back into the wood. “Maybe we should think about it.”

She laughed right along with him, but she knew they’d already decided. Moose would be great with any nervous patients. He was going to love Midnight Lake. “I think we have a dog.”

Chapter 15

Wrong Side Of The Law

Joe woke up to a sore neck and burning eyes. He blinked them open to find himself face to muzzle with their new friend and surrounded by his telltale stink. Moose licked his face before Joe could sit up. “I take it you need to go out?”

Lia stirred from where she was cradled into his chest and Moose let out a soft woof. Joe was able to watch the smile bloom on her face as she remembered the dog.

Moose leaned over Joe and licked Lia’s face as well, making her laugh even as she turned her face into Joe’s body to try to avoid the tongue.

When Moose whined softly, Joe kissed Lia’s hair and rolled to his feet. “I think the beast needs to head outside. We’ll be right back.”

Lia hummed her agreement and stretched. She had a really great stretch and Joe wished their accommodations were a little more comfortable and a lot more private.

Because of the issues with the building, they’d given spare keys to Marcus, Troy, and Mitch. With their home being a drive and then a two-mile hike away, it was prudent to have extra keys in town. He was already imagining him and Lia splitting their time between the lodge and the upstairs apartment here at Doc’s.

With a stretch of his own, Joe moved to the back door with Moose bouncing beside him. The floor didn’t shake at least. As soon as he opened the door, the dog shoved past him and raced to the nearest tree.

Joe grinned and stretched again. He walked along in Moose’s wake as he sniffed out every bit of his territory before stopping where they’d stacked some of the rotted lumber over the past few days. Near the bottom of the pile, Joe spotted an envelope bearing his name on the ground with a brick placed over half of it. The envelope was a plain white one, like the one left in Troy’s store. With a curse, he checked the time. After seven.

He took a photo and texted Marcus. Got another one. Want me to wait to pick it up?

The response was immediate so Joe assumed he hadn’t woken the deputy. Wait. On my way.

Moose returned and nudged Joe on the leg. “Sorry buddy. We can’t go for a run just yet. Gotta deal with this first.”

“Deal with what?”

Lia’s sleepy voice had him turning and smiling. Her hair was wild after the night. He tugged on a strand. “I like the sexy look.”

She rolled her eyes with a smile and ran her fingers through her hair.

Moose woofed and leaned down to sniff the envelope. Lia’s gaze followed him and she stiffened. “Another one?”

He nodded. “Marcus is on the way. I haven’t touched it yet so I don’t know what’s inside.” But his name was once again on the front.

Lia sighed. “The printing looks the same as the last time. And they spelled your name correctly again.”