“Let’s say that our adventures with mad scientists and black-market businessmen these past few days have revealed information that I can leverage. Don’t worry about a thing, my love. I’ve got it all under control.”

I believed him, and as we drove away and left the port behind, I relaxed in the certainty that Mason knew what was best for us. I like his idea of moving to his brother’s neighborhood. Kara and I would become best friends, and I would never be on my own again.

People who had loving families and true friends didn’t get kidnapped.



I hadn’t thought we’d have such a blast moving in together, but Maya was so excited about the new house, so impressed with how spacious it was, that she swept me up in her great mood, and now I caught myself humming and whistling random songs she listened to every day as I worked in our backyard or assembled furniture with the invaluable help of my niece and nephew. She redecorated every room, leaving the kitchen for last. Today, we’d been shopping since morning, and the truck was loaded.

“We need one more thing,” she said as she jumped into the passenger’s seat. She’d figured out how to get into my tank of a truck without my help and loved showing off. “Curtains.”

“What’s wrong with the old ones?”

“For one, they’re Kara’s. I’m grateful she lent them to us so we could have privacy while we figured things out, but I don’t want to abuse her generosity. Plus, they’re blue. Our house is all in shades of yellow and orange now.”

“All right, curtains it is!”

I pulled out of the parking lot. The store we needed was across the city, which meant this was a good opportunity to do something I’d been meaning to do for a while.

“Do you mind if we make a quick stop? There’s something I need to take care of.”

She eyed me suspiciously, but then smiled and shrugged. “Sure, we’re in no rush.”

I loved how she trusted me. Two days after we’d moved into our new home, she pulled me aside as Xavier and Nira ran from one room to another, yelling and laughing, kissed me deeply, and told me she loved not having to worry about a thing. Shethanked me for making all the decisions about the move, and that she’d never felt so relaxed in her life.

Her words made me feel like a superhero.

I hadn’t told her I’d had to take out a loan from the bank to afford the house, nor that I hadn’t yet talked to my boss about getting my job back. I had a feeling she knew all this, but still trusted me to sort it out. And that was what I was going to do because it was my job. My mate deserved to live a life of peace and joy, and not have to think about our finances.

The truth was that when I met her, I wasn’t ready for a mate. This past year, with my brother’s health and financial issues, I’d been so focused on him and his family that I hadn’t paid attention to my own life. Not that I was poor by any stretch, but the money I’d set aside wasn’t enough for the lifestyle I wanted to provide for Maya and our future children.

I stopped in front of the Monster Security Agency headquarters and turned to Maya.

“I won’t be long.”


I kissed her, and she bit my lip playfully.

I got out of the truck, straightened my back, and squared my shoulders. In my hand, I had the file I’d been meaning to show my boss, but hadn’t yet had the chance. I’d been distracted by the move, but it was time. Today was a good day for this. Enough time had passed from the incidents with Lockwood and Harlow, and I was calmer now. Composed. Had I approached Taros Mammon right after, I didn’t think I would’ve managed to keep my anger in check.

I took the elevator to the top floor. Because of my massive frame, no one got in with me. The doors opened, and I stepped into the space that was so familiar to me. I nodded at some of my colleagues, and I could see they were intrigued as to why I washere. My boss’s secretary wasn’t pleased when I told her that no, I didn’t have an appointment, but I was going to go in anyway.

“Sorry, I couldn’t stop him,” she told Taros when I barged into his office without as much as a knock.

My boss let out a sigh, then waved me in. “It’s okay. Close the door, please.” Then to me, “What can I do for you, Mason? Once again, you messed up. I give you a second chance, and what happens? Oh, the client bursts up in flames. Don’t tell me it wasn’t you because I won’t believe it.”

“If you know it was me, why didn’t you tell the police?”

He shrugged. “It wouldn’t look good for the MSA, would it?”

I nodded. “That, and Vincent Lockwood was a heartless bastard and got what was coming to him. He was a pain in your behind, wasn’t he?”

Taros cocked his head to the side. His eyes glowed with hell fire, and when he exhaled, tendrils of smoke wafted through the air.

I sat down and threw the file onto his desk. I’d gotten it from Lockwood’s study when I’d taken Maya’s file. I’d kept it to myself, needing time to decide what to do with it.