Mason studied my profile. “Are you upset about that?”

I thought for a moment, then shook my head. “No. What they were going to do to me, they surely did to many before me. They got what they deserved.”

He pulled me to him for a second, kissed the top of my head, then kneeled before me, right there, on the pier.

“Maya, I want to spend my life with you. I love you.”

His eyes glowed with so much emotion that tears gathered in my own eyes. Mason had done this for me. He’d turned three people to ashes, not because he wanted to and enjoyed doing it, but because they’d dared to touch me.

“I love you, too,” I said.

“I want you to move in with me. I went to talk to my brother, and there’s a house I can buy down the street from him. You willbe safe there, in a neighborhood of golems. No one will dare to even look at you the wrong way.”

“What about my job?”

“You vanished for a week, one of your colleagues went to check on you and concluded you’d run away. They don’t appreciate you. They don’t care. I will provide for you, my love. If you want to work, I will help you find something. I’m sure Kara has ideas. But you don’t have to work, if you don’t want to.”

“I like working with children,” I said.

“There’s a kindergarten and a school. I think either of them could use a human teacher, since some of the kids are hybrids.”

I smiled. He took my hands in his and looked deep into my eyes.

“Maya Lucas, will you marry me?”

My jaw dropped. Asking me to move in with him was one thing, but asking me to marry him... Well, I guess it made sense. We were soulmates. Why wait?

“Yes. I will marry you, Mason Stonewarden.”

With him on his knees, we were finally on the same level. I cupped his face with my hands and kissed him passionately. It didn’t escape me he’d chosen to ask me to marry him among the ashes of my enemies. One might’ve said it was quite romantic.

“I’ll take you home,” he said. “And this time, I won’t let you out of my sight.”

I chuckled. “That works for me.”

As we made our way to his truck, I threw one last glance at the shape that used to be Dr. Malcolm Harlow.

“What about the police? Will they not investigate?”

“They will, but who cares? They won’t be able to tell what happened here. There are no cameras. I checked. That’s a hundred percent courtesy of Harlow, who was doing black market business here.”

“But the detectives we talked to today...”

“They were on his payroll, I’m sure. They’ll either be sad their cash cow died, or they will be glad to finally be rid of him. I don’t think they’ll bother us. Either way, they have no evidence.”

“Because you don’t leave any.”

“Not a single clue, no.”

I laughed as he helped me into his truck. “I like the way you operate. You’re efficient.”

“That’s what makes me a great asset. Too bad I don’t have a job.”

That made me pause. It had come out of nowhere, and I would’ve expected him to be upset about it, but as he started the truck, it looked to me like he was feeling upbeat and optimistic.

He noticed my staring and laughed. “Don’t worry. I’m getting it back.”
