“What?” Inside the box, I saw various types of syringes and glass tubes. There was gauze too, disinfectant, and a few bottles of pills. “What tests? Are you a doctor?”

“Something like that. Relax, I’ll just draw a little blood.”

“What for?”

“Your arm, Maya.”

I thought of fighting him again. But with my wrists cuffed, and in the poor physical state I was in, I didn’t think I stood a chance. I extended my right arm toward him, and he proceeded to take a rather generous sample of my blood.

“Please tell me what this is for,” I begged. “What are you going to do to me?”

“So many questions,” he sighed. “I’ll run some tests to make sure that you are, indeed, the person I need. This is a delicate situation, Maya. Your blood must be perfect. If you pass the tests, I’ll keep you, and don’t worry, I’ll take care of you well enough.”

“And if I don’t pass?”

He shrugged. “Still don’t remember anything?”

I furrowed my brows and tried again. Where did Maya Lucas work? Nope. Nothing.

He filled the last tube with blood, then pressed a compress to the puncture in my arm.

“Death will be easier if your memory is gone.” He said it so calmly, as if he were talking about the weather. “If it makes you feel any better, I didn’t intend to give you a concussion. You made it harder than it had to be. Also, none of this is personal.”

“It doesn’t make me feel better,” I murmured. I was stunned. I was mildly aware I should have been reacting differently, but I was too taken aback by his bored attitude. “So, if I pass the tests, you’ll keep me here. Until when?”

“Until you’re not useful to me anymore.”

He arranged his syringes and tubes in the box, closed it, and stood up.

“Please... I... I didn’t do anything to deserve this,” I said.

“How do you know, Maya? You just said you remember nothing.”

Was he messing with me? Sure, I had no memory of who I was and what my life was like, but I felt deep down that I was a normal person. And normal people didn’t do things that warranted such treatment.

“You can’t do this,” I said.

He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and turned to leave.

“I’ll bring you food and water in a bit, then I’ll go work on your blood samples.”

“You’re talking as if...” My voice cracked. “As if this is just another day... As if this is routine.”

He opened the door and stepped out. Before closing and locking it, he threw me one last dull glance.

“It is.”

Chapter Three


My former boss invited me into his office, then asked his secretary to close the blinds and the door. Monster Security Agency had branches all over the world. This branch was under the management of Taros Mammon, who was a horned devil with flaming eyes and a forked tongue. He sat in his chair, which was made of pure titanium, the only metal that didn’t melt when he happened to let his rage reign free. I sat across from him. Without a word, he pushed a contract toward me.

“Is this standard?” I asked.

“Some of it is.”

I let out a sigh and read it thoroughly. The MSA provided standard contracts, but there were clients who had specific requirements they wanted added in. Sometimes they were negotiable, most times they weren’t. The moment my eyes fell on the clauses that had been added, I knew this job was on the shady side. I looked up at Taros. He knew what my principles were. There were beasts who worked for the MSA and didn’t care what the job was. I cared, and I’d always made it a point to avoid jobs that clashed with my values.