He nodded, though, and invited Dr. Harlow in. In the living room, no one sat down. This was going to be quick. Goliath looked up at the new visitor, then excused himself and disappeared into the kitchen.

The fact that this man had come with the police didn’t escape me. He looked wealthy and powerful – the kind of guy who had people in his pocket. Were we in trouble?

“Vincent and I met in college and became good friends,” Harlow said. “We worked together on a few projects but have grown apart in the past two years. We were both busy, my workoften forced me to travel, and you know how people of science are. We get obsessed with our little projects and lose touch with reality, often forget there are people around us who need us.”

“I understand,” Mason said. “My work is time-consuming, too. We all get a little obsessed when we love what we do.”

Dr. Harlow nodded, but his eyes drifted to me. I had nothing to contribute, so I retreated to the couch. However, I felt like even though Harlow was talking to Mason, he kept glancing at me, showing more interest than it made sense for him to show. He hadn’t even asked me who I was.

“I just wanted to paint a picture for you, Mr. Stonewarden. So you understand how much I cared about Vincent, even though we didn’t quite keep in touch anymore. When I found out about what happened last night, I was devastated. Did you know he lived with his mother?”

I saw Mason hesitate for a moment, then he nodded and looked sad.

“Terrible,” Harlow continued. “That poor woman. She was sick, too. They both died in that fire, and all I can think about is that I hadn’t called Vincent in months. I didn’t know what he was going through. If he was going through anything at all. He’s had a hard life. So, I wanted to ask you... Since you worked for him, how did he seem to you? Did he seem okay? Was he stressed?”

“I’m afraid I can’t help you,” Mason said. “My relationship with my clients is cold and professional. I like to keep it that way, so I can be efficient at my job. Dr. Lockwood hired me to be his bodyguard, so that’s what I was. He didn’t share any personal details with me. It is possible we would’ve grown closer in time, since this was supposed to be a long-term job, but four days wasn’t enough for me to get to know him that well. He only shared essential information that would help me do my job, but nothing personal. I’m sorry. I truly can’t help you.”

Harlow nodded. He looked at me again, and to my surprise, addressed me for the first time.

“I’m sorry, Miss...”

“Maya,” I said.

“You must think I’m rude. I apologize. I’m just so stricken by what happened to Vincent. Do you happen to know anything?”

I forced myself to not look at Mason. I had to do my best to seem disconnected from this whole story. The police knew I was Mason’s mate, so that’s why I was here. As for Lockwood, I was supposed to have no idea who he was. Certainly, I didn’t know where his mansion was, and I’d just heard about him, really, since Mason wasn’t supposed to share details about his clients. Not even with his family.

“I’m sorry,” I said, doing my best to give him a blank stare. “I first heard his name today. What happened is simply heartbreaking. I’m so sorry for your loss.”

Harlow nodded. “Thank you, Maya. It means a lot to me.”

I was sure it meant nothing to him at all. There was something deeply fake about him, which confused me, because why would he be fake? Unless he was lying, and he wasn’t a friend of Lockwood’s. I wondered what his angle was, then. Where did his interests really lie?

“I won’t take any more of your time,” he said. “Thank you for your patience.”

He shook hands with Mason, then Mason walked him to the door. The police had waited for Dr. Harlow, and the two cars drove away together once Harlow got into his. I stayed behind. Harlow had given me the creeps. In a way, he gave off the same vibe as Lockwood. Or maybe I just had an aversion to scientists now.

Goliath joined me in the living room.

“That was weird,” he said.

“I don’t believe him,” I said.

“That he was friends with Lockwood?”

“Maybe he was, maybe he wasn’t. I don’t believe he came here because he was worried about him. He kept looking at me every five seconds.”

Mason returned with Kara and the two children. That was when I realized Kara had been gone for a while. She was carrying a bag of groceries, while Mason was carrying two. Xavier and Nira threw off their shoes and backpacks in the hallway, then ran into the kitchen screaming, “Ice cream! Ice cream!”

“I thought I’d do some shopping,” Kara said, smiling. “Give you guys time to finish with the police.”

That had been smart of her. It was better to not involve the children if she could avoid it.

Suddenly, I felt like a burden to them. I’d come into their lives and disrupted their peace. Now they were both lying for me, a random human woman whom they’d just met a couple of hours ago. Well, maybe not random, since I was Mason’s mate, but still... Everything was happening too fast, and I was asking too much of these kind, lovely people.

“Mason...” I went to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He pulled me in, and I rested my cheek on his chest. “I want to go home. Will you take me home?”

“I don’t know... I mean, yes, of course. But I don’t know if it’s safe.”