Page 89 of Inspiring Izzy

When we reach his SUV, Brady opens the door for me. I squeeze his arm as I get inside.

Dad and Brianna watch from the door as we back out of the driveway. I wave and Brady honks the horn before we head down the street.

As soon as the house is out of sight, I let out a sigh of relief and stare out the window as the grey sky darkens and snowflakes scatter.

"What's on your mind?" Brady asks.

I glance over at him. "Steve will be here next week."

"And that bothers you?" Brady guesses.

"No," I shake my head. "It'll just be an adjustment."

"A good one for Brianna," Brady reaches across the center console and grabs my hand.

"Steve said he thinks it's best if Brianna doesn't stay the night with him," I swallow hard. "He said that when his parents divorced when he was 7, he didn't like going between bedrooms when he was little. He always had a hard time falling asleep."

"How do you feel about that?"

"Sort of relieved," I admit. "I hope that doesn't sound...selfish."

"No," Brady runs his thumb over the back of my hand. "It doesn't."

"Steve said when Brianna is older, we can ask her what she wants to do," I add. "If she wants to start staying the night with Steve, then she can. If not, he said it won't bother him. He just wants her to feel comfortable."

"I think Brianna's very lucky to have two parents who care about her," Brady pulls my hand up to his lips and presses a chaste kiss to my knuckles.

"She is," I agree. "There's a house for rent up the street from my parents. It's a three-bedroom."

"Are you thinking about moving out of your parent's house?" Brady ascertains.

"I don't know," I shake my head. "Brianna loves being with my parents. She loves the house and I love the company. Now that I'm forcing rent on my parents, I feel a little less guilty about taking up so much room."

"What do your parents think?"

"I haven't talked to them about it yet," I scrunch my face. "I'd like to think they'll be supportive."

"I think they will be," he gives me an encouraging nod.

"So, what are we going to do when we get there tonight?" I decide on a subject change.

Brady bites his lip. "Dinner."

I blush as his hand squeezes mine.

If there's one thing Brady's good at it, it's eating out.

Chapter 23

I stare at myself in the mirror as steam dances around me. I'm supposed to be showering, but I'm torn. Torn between stepping into the shower or hightailing it back into the suite bedroom to offer myself to Brady.Naked.

Earlier, we checked into our hotel room, dropped off our things, and then dined on steak and red wine. I clumsily dumped half the wine into my lap when I reached for the check at the same time Brady did. He shook his head at me as I quickly worked to clean up the wine with a white cloth napkin.

"Iz, this is a work dinner," he laughed before hopping out of his chair and helping me. "Why would you pay?"

At the time, I thought it would be nice to pay for his meal. He's done so much for me. He's helped me get back on my feet. He's helped me take care of my daughter—and myself. I wanted to do something nice for him.

That's why I'm currently staring at my fuzzy image in the mirror as condensation builds around the edges. My thighs are sticky and wet. I need to shower first. Then, offer my naked self to Brady.