Page 87 of Inspiring Izzy

My sister runs her fingers through her hair. "He needs all the help he can get at the newspaper and I really don't want to bethere. I don't know. I need to do something else. I feel like I'm in a rut and I keep flailing my arms and legs trying to get out, but I can't."

"I think that's called being a responsible adult," I grin.

"You get it, though, right?"

"I get it," I tell her. "You need a change of pace."

"But Jack isn't too keen on the idea of me writing a children's book when he needs another body writing articles," she hitches a shoulder.

"What if you write the children's book after work?" I suggest.

"Not sure when I'd find the time," she shakes her dark head. "I have to pick up the twins from school, make dinner, do laundry, and clean the house. Then, it's bath time, read a story, and put the twins to bed."

"Maybe Jack could put the kids to bed while you write," I offer.

Ava cackles. "Oh, you mean when he's doing the bookkeeping or editing newspaper articles? He also formats the paper at home. He's not much help. I know he would be if he wasn't so busy, but the man is busy."

"What if you hire someone?"

"Jack's tried," she sighs. "He can't find anyone reliable."

"You could scale back and only do a few issues a week," I shrug.

"Then, we'd lose money."

"You don't want me to help you find a solution, do you?" I deduce.

"I want to bitch, Iz," she gives me a small smile. "I want to complain to my sister about how much I really don't want to write articles anymore."

"You write so well," I tread carefully. "And you make a decent living at it. I know it sucks that you don't have thefreedom to do something else right now, but you get to work with Jack every day and you have a steady income. You also own your own home and your husband works hard. From where I'm standing, your life is pretty awesome, Sis."

Ava scratches the side of her face. "I know. I'm just having a hard time with the monotony. Every day, it's the same. I'm itching to try something new."

"What about your mom?" I raise an eyebrow.

"What about my mom?" She tilts her head to the side.

"What if Audra picked the kids up from school one or two days a week and kept them for an hour so you could write?"

"That's not a bad idea, Iz."

"It's not a ton of time," I shrug.

"But it's enough to get me started," she grins. "Thanks. Seriously, what would I do without you?"

"You would figure it out," I assure her.Just like you used to before I was here.

"I shouldn't say anything about Jack," she exhales. "He's a good husband and a great father. I'm just being a whiner."

"Sometimes, it's good to get stuff off your chest. I think the world of Jack, so I won't hold anything you say against him."

"You're supposed to be onmyteam," she narrows her eyes.

"I am on your team," I wink at her. "Which is why I love Jack so much. I know he makes you happy, even if you're too scared to ask him to use his tongue."

"Oh!" Ava swats at me. "You're bad!"

I check the time on my phone as she turns her attention to Brianna. Two hours. I have two hours before Brady shows up at Mom and Dad's to whisk me away on our romantic—er, work weekend.