Page 69 of Inspiring Izzy

"Liam says rules are made to be broken," I joke.

"I'm not sure I would take advice from Liam," Brady winks at me.

"Are you still planning on working tomorrow?" I change the subject.

"I am," Brady shrugs.

"What's your mom going to do?"

"She will do what she does every day. Watch TV and take a long nap."

"I'm sorry she's sick."

Brady's fingers tighten around mine. "Me too."

"I'd invite you to our Thanksgiving, but Steve would have a conniption."

"I take it he doesn't like that you're working for your ex."

I smack my lips together. "He doesn't know. He just thinks you're my wealthy boss I was canoodling at breakfast."

"You never told him about me?" Brady seems surprised.

"He knows I had an ex, and it ended badly. Steve never asked for details, and I wasn't in a place where I ever wanted to explain."

"Maybe that's a good thing," Brady says.


"Can I ask you a question now?"

I smile. "Yes."

"Did you ever think about me?"

"All the time," I spill. "Mostly at night, though. When I had a hard time falling asleep, I'd let myself relive a few good memories."

"Only a few?" Brady teases.

"The rest were either too hard to think about or too upsetting."

Brady stops walking. I spin around to face him, keeping our hands laced together.

"I thought about you all the time, too," he tugs me close. "Except there were hundreds of good memories for me. And reliving them was agony."


But I never finish because Brady kisses me mid-sentence.

Chapter 18

Ava nudges my hip as I mash potatoes in the kitchen. "Are you going to give me all the details on your super hot kiss in the woods with Brady?"

I glance around, making sure no one's listening in. "I thought you didn't like him."

"I told you," she grins as she takes a sip of wine from the glass in her hand, "I did a little research and it changed my mind about him."

"Well, I'm glad your mind has changed," I give her a tight smile, "but no, I will not be giving you any details."