Page 62 of Inspiring Izzy

"Iz!" Angie waves at me when I walk inside. "What a surprise!" She hugs me before motioning to a booth. "Brady's here."

Of course, he is.

I give Brady a tight smile as Angie walks me over to him. "What can I get you?"

"Uh..." I guess I'm sitting with Brady.

"Adrian's chocolate croissants are really good," Brady offers.

"I will have one," I say to Angie. "And coffee."

"So," Brady chuckles as he sets down the local paper he's reading. The one Jack and Ava own. Interesting. "Why are you upset today?"

I shrug. "Do I even have to say it?"

"What did Steve do now?"

"Ugh," I stretch my arms over my head. "I don't want to talk about him. I'm actually on my way to work."

"Why?" Brady laughs.

"Because I need to catch up on filing," I tell him.

"I've noticed you haven't been filing lately," he raises a curious brow. "Why is that?"

I swallow hard. "I haven't had the time."

"I'm pretty sure I saw you online shopping yesterday afternoon," he smiles.

"I was not online shopping," I defend myself. "I was onlinewindowshopping on my afternoon break."

"What is online window shopping?"

"It's where you look online at all the clothes and shoes you're never going to buy to help decompress," I explain.

Brady crosses his arms over his chest and I force my eyes to stay on his face. He's wearing a long-sleeve black shirt and I know it's stretching across his biceps right now. His big, bulging biceps.

"Why aren't you filing, Iz? Is the system too hard? Are you really too busy with work? Am I overworking you?"

He sounds concerned.

"No," I clear my throat. "'s just that...I..."

"You what?"

"It's hard to concentrate sometimes," I admit as my cheeks burn, "when you're in the room."

Brady's entire face breaks into a smile. "You have the hots for me."

I look out the window as he gloats. "I do not."

"You do," he argues. "Yousodo."

"You are ridiculous," I look back at him.

Ugh, he's so handsome. And I do have the hots for him.

Brady grins. "If it makes you feel any better, I have a hard time concentrating when you're in the room, too."