Page 54 of Inspiring Izzy

"I still feel guilty," I groan. She doesn't understand. How could she? Even when her life was falling apart, she still managed to take care of herself financially.

"I wasn't sure working for him was going to be good for you," Ava sighs. "But after he paid for every single meal at Angie's on opening night, I don't know. I think he might be different than he was before."

"What do you mean he paid forevery single meal?" I shake my head.

"When you went to the restroom," Ava smiles, "Angie tried giving him back his card, but he insisted she use it at the end of the night to cover every meal. Everyone who ate there that night got their food for free."


"Everyone," she grins. "And I did a little digging around. Brady bought the building for Angie's. Then, he sold it to Adrian and Angie for $1."

"What?" I whisper-yell as a group of teenagers inches closer to the dressing room.

He paid for every meal at the restaurant opening. He bought the building so his business partner and her husband could open said restaurant. Seriously, who does that?

"Yep," Ava hitches her shoulder. "I probably shouldn't tell you this, but he also pays for all the expenses the local animal shelter incurs at the vet beforeandafter they're adopted. And he funds the free spay and neuter clinics. Brady Cohen is like a philanthropist or something. Who would have guessed?"

"Stop talking," I say to my sister. I can't hear anymore. If I do, I might fall back in love with him.

"You don't want to know how I found out all this information?" she gives me a cheeky wink.

"No," I run a hand down my face. "I don't want to know anything. Don't tell me anything."

"You used to be fun," Ava laughs. "Now, you're all serious."

I don't ever remember being fun. Ava had fun. Liam has fun. Izzy Thompson never had fun and currently does not have fun.

"I've always been serious."

"You have not!" Ava cries dramatically.

When I was younger, I got a few tattoos, had a fake ID, and participated in a toxic tryst with an engaged man. None of that was ever fun. It was... torture.

"Whatever you say," I roll my eyes.

"Go try on the sweater dress," Ava points to the dressing room.

"Brianna," I whine, "tell Auntie Ava we need food."

"We need lunch," Brianna places a hand on her hip and informs Ava.

"As soon as Mommy tries on the sweater dress andpaysfor it, we will get lunch," Ava cackles.

"And ice cream," Brianna playfully narrows her eyes.

"And ice cream," Ava confirms.

I throw my hands up before heading back into the dressing room and trying on the cream-colored sweater dress. Once it's on, I stand back and frown. The turtle neck isn't too high and the gold buttons on the side are kind of cute. I don't look half bad.

"Let's see it!" Ava roars from the other side of the door.

She's so annoying, even if she's my biggest cheerleader.

"You happy?" I toss at my sister as I swing the door open.

Ava grins triumphantly. "You look hot."

"Can we go now?" I beg.