Page 39 of Inspiring Izzy

I slowly back out of the room, wondering why the uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach feels a little like jealousy now.

Chapter 11

I splash cold water on my face in the bathroom, trying to ignore the anger or jealousy or whatever it is that's making my chest scratchy and irritated.

We both know she's only here to get in your pants and as soon as she does, she'll be on her way. So, take one for the team and give her what she wants.

Brady's sex life is none of my business.None.

Even when I made it my business almost a decade ago, it still wasn't my business. I didn't let myself go there back then. I didn't let myself think about Brady and Maya. It was easier to live in denial. That even though Brady shared a home and a bed with her, he never touched her. He never kissed her. He never held her the way he held me.

Maya was a reality check I didn't let myself see.

Charlie, however, is right in front of me. Right there. Throwing it in my face. She's here to sleep with Brady. And take his money.

The bathroom door swings open as I reach for a paper towel.

Charlie's bright snowsuit blinds me as I dab my face and internally groan. Apparently, every piece of clothing she owns is iridescent white.

"Izzy," Charlie greets me. "You feeling OK?"

I nod and toss the crumpled paper towel into the trash can. "I'm feeling fine."

"Are you sure?" Charlietsks. "You look a little pale."

"I'm fine," I reinforce.

"Are you normally late to work?" She tilts her head to the side as her sharp green eyes rake over hte length of my body. I force myself not to move. Not to make myself smaller.

I smile. "No, I'm not."

I've spent my whole life watching girls—women—like Charlie think they own the room, the man, the world. I've always fallen short. But not today. Today, I'm not budging.

I'm tired of making myself less to appease others. I'm not doing it anymore. I did it in high school and I did it throughout my marriage. I'm not doing it anymore.

"If you have a problem with me being late today, then you can take it up with Brady," I shrug. "I have work to do."

I maneuver around her, but she puts an arm out, blocking my exit.

"Are you sleeping with him?" she pointedly asks me.

"Why would you think that?" I laugh.The audacity.

"Because most assistants I know don't make enough money to afford Louboutinsandthose diamond earrings," she smarts. "Your hair needs a trim and your nails are in desperate need of a manicure. I don't see a ring on your finger, which means you're not married. You could have a boyfriend, but those earrings don't look like they've been worn more than a few times. So, I want to know. Are you sleeping with Brady?"

I want to lie. I want to lie so bad and sayyes, but I don't. "No, I am not."

She raises a devious eyebrow. "Why don't I believe you?"

I shrug. "No idea."

"In that case," she gives me a sickeningly sweet smile, "we should be friends."

Oh, I bet she'd like that. "I got the impression you'd be too busy this trip to make new friends. What was it you said?Something along the lines of 'You know I like a challenge, and we all know I always get what I want'."

Charlie drops her hand and grins. "I like you. What's Brady paying you? I'll give you double to come work for me."

"I'm sorry," I shake my head. "My family is here on the mountain. I'm not interested in leaving it."