Page 18 of Inspiring Izzy

My mouth gapes open. "This..."

"Was my last assistant's car," Brady smiles.

"You mean you didn't go out and buy a car as soon as you offered me a job?" I tease him.

"Nope," he laughs.

I hold my hand out for the key. "I am ready to take it home now."

Brady drops it into my hand, and I ignore the disappointment that our skin didn't touch during the exchange.

"Drive careful," he swallows hard, his beard barely covering the bob in his Adam's apple.

"You, too," I say as I hit the unlock button on the keyfob.

Brady opens the door for me. As he steps out of the way, my shoulder grazes his chest, and I hear him inhale sharply.

Sparks zip between us as I avoid eye contact.

"Well," I pat the roof of the car, "I guess I'll be on my way." I still need to figure out how to get Mom's car home from the Glorious Pig.

Brady shuts the door once I'm inside. I give him a small wave before high-tailing it out of the resort parking lot before any more sparks explode.

I'm not sure how this is going to work between us, but Brianna deserves the best. If being Brady's assistant allows me to give my daughter the life she deserves, then I'm going to try.

The fifteen-minute drive home goes by quickly. I've never driven a car this nice before. It even has heat and air conditioning. The junker I drove back in California coughed out smoke every time I hit the gas, and paint was chipping off the hood.

When I pull into the driveway, Dad's shooting hoops.

"Did you steal a car?" He tries joking.

I shake my head. "I start work tomorrow. This is a company vehicle."

"You're working for Brady." It's not a question but a statement.

"I am."

Dad runs his hand through his hair. "I'm sorry about what happened this morning at brunch. I never should have commented on your marriage."

"Then why did you?"

"I had a failed marriage, and I never wanted that for my children," he admits. "I wanted to set a good example for you. I thought I had."

"What does your example have to do with my failed marriage?" I ask pointedly.

"I chose wrong the first time. I chose right in the end, but it was hell getting there. I didn't want my little girl going through the same thing I did."

"I didn't choose wrong," I say. "Brianna is the best thing that's ever happened to me. My marriage wasn't a mistake, and I didn't fail. It just didn't work out. I'm sorry you carry around the guilt of your failures, but without them, you wouldn't have Ava or Mom or me."

Dad shifts his weight from one foot to the other. "You're right. I never thought of it that way."

"I love you, and I'm appreciative of everything you and Mom are doing for me, but I'm 31. I'm not a kid anymore. If I make mistakes, they're mine. If I fail, then it's on me."

"I'm sorry," Dad apologizes again. "Sometimes I forget you're not my rebellious 17-year-old daughter anymore."

"I grew up," I hitch my shoulder.

"You did."