Page 16 of Inspiring Izzy

"That's what all my personal assistants get," Brady shrugs. "If you don't like the pay and benefits, the gas station is still looking for an attendant."


"Do you need a list of references?" I challenge.

Brady's lips part as he cocks an unimpressed eyebrow. "No."

"What?" My foot wiggles nervously. I swear he can see right through me.

"I've already offered you the job twice," he shakes his head. "I wouldn't have done that if I needed references."

"What if I'm a flake? Incompetent on the computer?" I flash my eyebrows at him. "What if I mess up your schedule?"

"Are you trying to talk me out of giving you this job?" He crosses his arms over his chest and I force down a squeak as his biceps bulge against the dark blue material of his dress shirt.

Brady clears his throat as my eyes dart to his face and, "No," comes out breathy.

"No flirting," he points a finger at me.

"I'm not flirting," I place a hand on my chest, offended by the accusation.

"You're ogling my body with your eyes," he argues with a laugh.

"Bicep," I correct him. "And I never said no looking. Just no flirting."

Brady scoffs as he pushes off the desk and strides to the door. "Let's go."

"Where?" I twist in the chair.

He motions over his shoulder. "You're starting tomorrow morning, and I'll be in Denver for a meeting. You'll need a car to get to the main office while I'm gone."

"Denver?" I repeat as I rise from the chair and wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans.

Brady checks his watch. "I have to leave here in an hour."

"You're heading there today?"

"I'm not much of a morning person," he chuckles.

"I remember," I say as I stop in front of him.

"I'd rather sleep in two hours than make the drive early tomorrow."

I nod, suddenly aware of how close his body is to mine. He's so close that I could reach out and place my hand on his chest. Just like I used to.

There was a time when he wasn't a stranger. When I wasn't hyperaware of how much space was between us. When his arms felt sturdy and steady.

My heart stings a little when I think about the last time he held me. I wish I had known that it was the last time. I would have held on a little tighter. I would have focused on every detail. I would have told him how much I loved him.

But he didn't choose me.

When he was forced to choose, he chose Maya.

Then, after she dumped him, he finally showed up at my door.

It was so long ago.

Some days, like today, the pain still feels just as fresh as it did nine years ago.