Page 114 of Inspiring Izzy

"It's far," Brady chuckles.

"Well," Uncle Kyle stretches before hugging Aunt Jenny, "I think it's time to head home."

"That's code for wanting to have sex with Mom," Liam translates.

Uncle Kyle exhales heavily. "You ever get tired of being a smartass?"

"No," Liam shakes his head. "Never."

"We all do," Uncle Kyle narrows his eyes at his son.

Everyone stands and half of the family moves closer to the front door. Brianna hugs Bea and Ben goodbye before tugging on my arm.

"I want to go to bed, Mommy," she yawns again.

Brady kisses my forehead. "I'll walk out with them. You can put Brianna to bed."

"She'll be out fast," I whisper.

I read Brianna a story, then tuck her into her pink bed in the room next to our room. We're working on her sleeping in her own room. I'm sure she'll find her way into our bed before morning.

"Love you," she mumbles when I turn the light off.

"Love you, too," I let out a contented sigh.

Things really feel like they're turning around. I never thought our life here might look like this. But it does.

It really does.

I find Brady in the kitchen, helping Mom.

"Go to bed," Mom waves us off. "Dad and I will finish up in here."

Brady wipes his hands on a dish towel. "Thank you for dinner."

"You're welcome," Mom gives me a tight smile.

When we turn, Steve is standing in the doorway. It's awkward and uncomfortable, but Steve holds his hand out and shakes Brady's.

No words are exchanged before we head up the stairs to my bedroom.

Brady changes into dark blue pajama pants while I slip into an oversized tee.

"I got you something," I say to him as I open a dresser drawer and pull out a small black box. I hand it to him, then sit beside him on the bed.

Slowly, Brady opens it. Inside is a white gold wedding band.

"Iz," he smiles. "This is perfect."

He pulls it out of the box and hands it to me. "Can you put it on me?"

I bite my lower lip. "Yes."

Carefully, I push the ring onto his finger. When it's in place, we both stare down at it.

"We're really married," Brady exhales in relief.

"We are," I kiss him. "We are."