Page 77 of Inspiring Izzy


I scream at the top of my lungs as Steve puts a hand over my mouth. "You're going to wake the whole house."

"What are you doing in my room?" I whisper-yell as my chest heaves up and down.

"I thought we could talk," he says quietly as he grabs my hand and runs it along his bare chest. "Or...maybe spend the night together."

"Steve," I rip my hand off his chest. "Are you naked?"

"Yep," he says in the dark.

"Get out," I demand.

Before he can respond, my bedroom door flies open, and someone flicks the light on.

Dad's face turns red as he stares at Steve. "Where are your clothes?"

"What are you doing in here?" I direct to Dad.

"I heard you scream," he responds as he points to Steve. "Get your clothes on and go down to the basement."

"I will do that," Steve scrambles to find his clothes.

"Where's Brianna?" I begin to panic as I look at my empty bed.

"She's in bed with Mom," Dad covers his eyes as Steve gets dressed. "She's asleep."

"I'll get her," I say to Dad.

I pad down the hallway and quietly sneak into Mom and Dad's room. Brianna is passed out in the middle of the bed.

Mom holds a finger up to her lips. Carefully, I pick my daughter up out of my parents' bed and carry her back to my room.

As Dad turns the light off, I crawl into bed with my daughter. The moment she hits the mattress, she turns and nestles against my side.

"Happy Thanksgiving, baby girl," I mutter.

She lets out a quiet snore as I wrap my arms around her and fall fast asleep.

Chapter 20

Carefully, I take the steps to the basement one at a time. I'm not sure what will be waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs, but I'm prepared for the worst: an irate Steve.

Morning light glows through the closed shades as I tiptoe over discarded clothes and around several pairs of shoes. Steve's always been messy. It was one of the many reasons our marriage didn't work. He made a mess, and I was expected to clean it up.

I don't have to clean up after him anymore, so there's no more anger. Only relief.

I exhale heavily when I make it to the bed. Steve is passed out—his naked ass on full display—as he sleeps on his stomach. I shake his shoulder, holding back a laugh as his head shoots up awkwardly.


"It's your last day here," I lick my lips nervously. "Brianna wants to do something with the both of us."

Steve rolls over and I avert my eyes as he scratches his balls. "What time is it?"

"Uh, around 10," I answer.

"I'm sorry about last night," Steve stretches his arms over his head.